Count Your Blessings!

With love and passion, everyone can have a nice garden...Elaine Yim

Count Your Blessings!
Count The Garden By The Flowers, Never By The Leaves That Fall.
Count Your Life With Smiles And Not The Tears That Roll.
..... Author unknown.

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Malaysian Flora USDA Zone 11
Welcome to our exotic world of everlasting summers and tropical rainforests!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Putrajaya Floria 2011 Part 5 Golden Annuals - Rudbeckia, Coneflowers and Black Eyed Susans

1 - Black Eyed Susan

At Putrajaya Floria 2011, the glitterati / glitterazzi is at Growers Gardens. This post focuses on the gold and yellow beauties of the Annual flowers on parade.

“Putrajaya Floria 2011 Part 5 Golden Annuals - Rudbeckia, Coneflowers and Black Eyed Susan ?”, a copyrighted post, was written for My Nice Garden blog by Autumn Belle @ on July 13th, 2011.

2 - Black Eyed Susan
Frankly speaking, I'm not sure if all these are gazanias or some are sunflowers, black eyed susans or daisies. Now I think some even look like echinaceae! If you can identify which is which, do let me know.

3 - Rudbeckia
Do you notice that petals of all the flowers in my pictures have a two tone colour?
To me it looks like soft water-colour painting.

4 - Black Eyed Susan
The petals are also cleft-shaped / heart / LOVE shaped.

5 - Rudbeckia

6 - Black Eyed Susan
This looks like a double flower

7 - Rudbeckia

8 - Gerbera Daisies, Rudbeckia/Black Eyed Susans
Just  like Alice in Wonderland, how I wish that flowers could talk and tell me their names.

9 - A multi-colour mix of gorgeous annuals
And tell me what's their name.

10 - Rudbeckia

11 - Rudbeckia Autumn Colours

12 - Rudbeckia Prairie Sun

13 - Rudbeckia
Are you growing any of these beauties?

This post has been updated on July 28th, 2011 with the matching flower names. My SPECIAL THANKS to Connie for pointing out that what I first thought to be gazanias are actually rudbeckias. Now I see the differences in the flower petals and leaves.

Rudbeckias? I have never heard of them. Now, I'm so glad to know that rudbeckias are also known as (aka) coneflowers aka black eyed susans. They are lovely!

A big THANK YOU to Florence Byod (Shasta Rose), Rosey, Andrea, Diana for doing this 'homework' with me.


  1. These used to grow very well for me in Nebraska. I thought they were Black eyed susans, but I could be wrong.
    They are beautiful, nonetheless!

  2. I can't say anything but the flowers and the photos are great, just great. It seems you are now posting fast, making for the days you haven't posted, haha!

  3. Rosey, I think that some of these are Black Eyed Susans too. But my eyes and mind are blurred seeing them, so now I can't decide between sunflower, daisy, gazania and BE Susans. I know they are definitely not Black Eyed Peas though, hehe!

    Andrea, this week I am posting daily to highlight what they have at Floria 2011. I'm doing this on my own free will - to share with anyone about what to expect. Hopefully it encourages more people to appreciate flowers, plants and gardening.

    You can see that I am not posting roses yet eventhough the theme is Roses are Forever. Everyone who goes to Floria 2011 will be looking at roses, so I'm not spoiling the fun by spilling the beans. I'll be focusing on other plants in case you missed it.

  4. My garden is too cold for them at them moment to bloom. But we do have other golden bloom in our garden and you are welcome to guess them. Not really sure but they look more like Black Eyed Susan?

  5. Diana, so happy to see you here! I'll drop by to your garden soon for I can't wait to see what's the 'golden blooms'.

  6. Pictures 1 & 4 = Black eyed susan
    Pictures 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 & 11 = Gazania
    Picture 6 = not so sure, looks like a daisy or B/e susan
    Picture 8 & 9 = a mix of all 3 flowers plus Gerbera Daisy
    Pictures 12 & 13 = probably daisies.

    I have planted Gazania and Gerbera Daisies in my garden in California but not the others. Your pictures are beautiful. Thank you for sharing them.
    Florence Boyd

  7. Florence, welcome to My Nice Garden and thank you very much for the valuable info!

  8. hello

    i landed on your website as i was doing a search for some flowers, so i am just passing through. but i wanted to offer plant identifications for you. all the plants you have listed as gazanias are not gazanias. they are all different kinds of rudbeckias. do a google image search for rudbeckias and you will see alot of your plants. for example, do a google search for rudbeckia prairie sun and you will see that is what you have in photo #12. the plant in photo #11 is rudbeckia autumn colors.

    you have a lovely collection of rudbeckias. very pretty!


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