Count Your Blessings!

With love and passion, everyone can have a nice garden...Elaine Yim

Count Your Blessings!
Count The Garden By The Flowers, Never By The Leaves That Fall.
Count Your Life With Smiles And Not The Tears That Roll.
..... Author unknown.

Knowing me, Knowing you..... Aha.....!

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Malaysian Flora USDA Zone 11
Welcome to our exotic world of everlasting summers and tropical rainforests!

Friday, November 21, 2014

MAHA 2014 Serdang - Malaysia Agriculture, Horticulture and Agrotourism Show

1. Visitors Guide

MAHA 2014 is THE EVENT that we gardeners and everyone else related to the agriculture industry is looking forward to.

The theme of MAHA 2014 is "Agroteknologi Pemangkin Transformasi" (Agrotechnology - Catalyst for Transformation).

This year, MAHA is held on 20th - 30th November 2014

The venue is MAEPS (Malaysia Agro Exposition Park Serdang), a 100 hectare facility owned by Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry. MAEPS is located very near to Putrajaya, Malaysia's administrative capital. It is also midway between Kuala Lumpur and KLIA.

2. The road leading to MAHA 2014 venue

MAHA stands for Malaysia Agriculture, Horticulture & Agrotourism Show. It is a biennial event held to promote Malaysia's agri-based industries, incorporating the latest in technology, research knowledge and innovation.

The official name of the event is MAHA 2014 & HPPK.

HPPK stands for Hari Peladang, Penternak & Nelayan Kebangsaan (The Farmer's Livestock Producers and Fisherman's Day)

3. Stalls at the Gate 2 entrance

The first 2 days i.e. 20th and 21st Nov (10am - 6pm) is opened to Trade Visitors Only, meaning that
  1. It is opened to professionals, trade and business visitors by invitation or business card registration only
  2. Admision is free but registration is required 
  3. Children below 12 years old are not allowed in
  4. Visitors have to be properly attired. 
  5. Visitors who are inappropriately dress, in bermudas, shorts, sandals and slippers are not permitted to enter
  6. The organisers have the discretion to refuse entry to certain visitors  

4. Parking area

MAHA 2014 will be opened to the PUBLIC on 22nd - 30th Nov 2014

There is ample parking space. Visitors can enter via Gate 1 (Hospital Serdang way) or Gate 2 (SKVE) way. You need to park at the allocated parking areas and thereafter walk towards the Entrance where free "hop-in hop-off" buses are available to transport you to the designated locations. Collect the Visitors Guide (Panduan Pengunjung) and plan where you want to visit first. This way, you don't waste time going to the wrong places. I usually spend my time sight-seeing and photography first and later go shopping at the bazaars just before going home. This way you don't have to lug around heavy stuff that you had purchased earlier.

Remember to bring along an umbrella, drinking water, wear comfortable clothes and shoes and don't forget to bring trolley or basket/recycle bag if you intent to do shopping. I'm pretty sure that you can't resist that! There are a few bazaars here.

“MAHA 2014 Serdang - Malaysia Agriculture, Horticulture and Agrotourism Show”, a copyrighted post, was written for My Nice Garden blog by Autumn Belle @ on 21st November 2014

5. Bus Stop cum Information Counter

This 'pondok bas' or bus stop is provided with canopy shade and plastic chairs to sit on while waiting for the buses to transport you to the respective venues. You can ask the officials in red T-shirts and identify tags to help you go to the right location.

6. Location map
There are 4 route maps to select for the free bus shuttle service provided.

7. Shuttle bus
The buses are painted in 4 different colours.
Look out for the route signage i.e. A, B, C or D.

8. Bazaar 
This open air bazaar with white canopies are selling all kinds of agriculture and floriculture stuff. The building in the background is the Main Exhibition Hall.

9. xhibition Hall area

This is where the Main Exhibition Halls, State Pavilions and IAT 1 & 2 Bazaars are located.
The IAT Bazaars are located indoors and air-conditioned. Here you can sample and purchase food, beverages and other products from the food technology and industrial sector.

Below are some photos taken at the Main Exhibition Hall:

 Verticle gardens and indoor gardening ideas, incorporating herb and vegetables growing in the modern lifestyle.

Air plants for terrariums. 

 Free fruit juice tasting.
Tropical fruits are used.


Urban Agriculture showcase

Hydroponics method incorporating fish rearing to combat mosquitoe larvae problem.


Vertical Garden of herbs and vegetables, using a hollow pillar.


Terrarium Competition for schools and showcase of contesting entries. 


Vertical gardening using metal rack and planter boxes.

The MARDI booth where they have produced seedlings in glass bottles using the tissue culture method. Some examples of plants produced this way are herbs like ginger, and fruit trees such as the banana Pisang Berangan and Pisang Tanduk.

Finally, dear friends and shoppers, do remember to REJECT and DON’T BUY (TAK NAK BELI!) any jungle plants that may be endemic, endangered, protected or near extinction. They usually looked stressed, like it had been pulled out with leaves, roots or stems covered with moss/lichens and come in only one or limited specimens per species. Buy the cultivated ones which are sold in bulk, look green and clean and from reputable nurseries. There are really many many stalls in a major agricultural exhibition and it is difficult to control what the vendors bring in to sell every day. I know you can do it! Abstain and be a responsible, ethical shopper!

Let us:
1. NOT encourage illegal collection of wild and endangered native plants (many are orchids).
2. NOT encourage orchid smuggling and illegal orchid trading.
3. BUY only those which are cultivated for gardening.

Together, let’s ensure a more colourful MOTHER EARTH for our children, grandchildren and future generations. The future is in our hands. I know you can do it!

Contact details:
MAHA 2014 Secretariat
43400 Serdang, Selangor
Tel: +6011-1288 7220, +6011-2332 7400, +011-2806 7001
Fax: +603-8945 3816
Website: here


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