Count Your Blessings!

With love and passion, everyone can have a nice garden...Elaine Yim

Count Your Blessings!
Count The Garden By The Flowers, Never By The Leaves That Fall.
Count Your Life With Smiles And Not The Tears That Roll.
..... Author unknown.

Knowing me, Knowing you..... Aha.....!

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Malaysian Flora USDA Zone 11
Welcome to our exotic world of everlasting summers and tropical rainforests!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

I wanted "Shirley Poppy" but it's surely Buttercups now!

These seedlings are grown from the seed packets that I bought at an orchid nursery.  
I've been keeping a close eye on this batch and with high expectations. 
I've been dreaming of the lovely poppy flowers popping out in your gardens in Spring...

I wanted this plant. According to the label, "Shirley Poppy" seeds will germinate 2-3 weeks time, reach a height of about 45-50cm and will be flowering in 50-60 days time. Flower colour is red. The temperature should be 25C with full sun. There are no details of the expiry date.

The 25C is a bit tricky because the daily temperatures in my climate average is about 30C now.

“I wanted "Shirley Poppy" but it's surely Buttercups now!”, a copyrighted post, was written for My Nice Garden blog by Autumn Belle @ on April 28th, 2012.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Rearing and Breeding Lime Butterflies in the Home Garden in Malaysia

1. Adult Lime Butterfly

When I visited Penang Butterfly Farm some time ago, it was just for some hurried sightseeing and outdoor photography. However, I was quite amazed by the many species of beautiful, colourful native butterflies of my country, Malaysia. I have in fact learnt more about butterfly conservation, the nectar plants and host plants. There were  live specimens of butterflies at every stage of their life cycle. I see so many butterflies; some were perched on gorgeous flowers drinking nectar while others were romancing in mid-flight. I could observe butterflies mating and ovipositing but the most unforgetable experience was watching the adult butterflies emerging from their chrysalis right before my very eyes. The process of metamorphosis is very intriguing indeed. From a caterpillar buster, I have now become a NANNY to them, rearing, feeding and raising these creepy crawlies so that they can safely become the butterflies they are meant to be.

Here's how I do it in my home garden, the DIY way.....

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Zinnia - Here today, gone tomorrow, ZZZ.....

1. Red Zinnia

It was a love at first sight when I saw these zinnias and so I purchased 3 polybags of them in different colors.
I have bright red zinnia.


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