The following are native plants of Malaysia and Southeast Asia
- Acalypha hispida * (VINE) - Red Hot Cattail
- Acalypha siamensis (SHRUB) - Wild Tea, Teh Kampung
- Adenanthera pavonina (TREE) - Saga Tree
- Aeschynanthes lobbianus * (VINE) - Lipstick Plant
- Agathis borneensis (TREE) - Borneo Kauri
- Aglaonema commutatum - Chinese Evergreen (HERB)
- Aglaonema costatum - Chinese Spotted Evergreen (HERB)
- Aleurites moluccana (TREE) - Candlenut Tree
- Alpinia galangal * (HERB) - Galangal ginger
- Alpinia purpurata * (HERB) - Red Ginger
- Alstonia angustifolia (TREE) - Pulai
- Angiopteris evecta (FERN) - Elephant Fern
- Aquilaria brachyantha (TREE) - Agarwood
- Aquilaria crassna (TREE) - Agarwood
- Aquilaria cumingiana (TREE) - Agarwood
- Aquilaria hirta (TREE) - Agarwood
- Aquilaria malaccensis (TREE) - Agarwood
- Aquilaria rostrata (TREE) - Agarwood
- Archidendron jiringa (TREE) - Jering
- Ardisia crenada - (SHRUB) - Spiceberry, Mata Itik, Mata Ayam, Mata Pelanduk
- Areca cathechu (PALM) - Betel Nut Palm, Pinang
- Areca triandra (PALM)
- Arenga obtusifolia (PALM) - Langkap - P. Malaysia
- Arenga pinnata (PALM) - Sugar palm
- Arundina graminifolia * (WILDFLOWER GROUND ORCHID) - Bamboo Orchid
- Asplenium nidus (FERN) - Bird's Nest Fern (native to Tropical Asia)
- Asystasia gangetica (shrub)
- Asystasia gangetica ssp. micrantha (weed)
- Asystasia intrusa (shrub)
- Averrhoa bilimbi (TREE) - Cucumber Tree, Belimbing Buluh
- Baeckea frutescens (TREE) - Malay Willow, Cucur Atap, Weeping Baeckea, Weeping Coast Myrtle
- Bambusa vulgaris 'VIttata' - (TREE) - Painted Bamboo
- Baccaurea angulata (TREE) - Tampoi Belimbing
- Bauhinia acuminata * (TREE) - White Bauhinia
- Bauhinia kockiana * (VINE) -
- Bauhinia purpurea * (TREE) -
- Borassus flabellifer (PALM) - Palmyra Palm
- Brucea javanica (SHRUB) - Lada Pahit
- Caesalpinia sapan (SHRUB) - Sappan, Sepang - Tropical Asia
- Calamus spp (PALM) - Rattans
- Calophyllum inophyllum (TREE) - Bintangor Laut
- Cananga odorata (TREE) - Ylang-ylang, Kenanga
- Caryota maxima (PALM) - Giant Mountain Fishtail Palm
- Caryota mitis (PALM) - Clustering Fishtail Palm
- Caryota no (PALM) - Bornean Fishtail Palm - Borneo
- Casuarina nobilis (TREE) - Borneo
- Casuarina sumatrana (TREE) - Borneo (and Sumatra)
- Centella asiatica (HERB) - Pegaga
- Cerbera odollam (TREE) - Grey Milkwood, Pong-pong
- Cinnamomum iners (TREE) - Wild Cinnamon
- Cissus discolor (VINE) - Patah Tulang
- Cissus nodosa (VINE) - Javanese Treebine, Grape Ivy
- Clerodendrum bethuneanum (SHRUB) -
- Clerodendrum calamitosum (SHRUB) - White Butterfly
- Clerodendrum paniculatum (SHRUB) - Pagoda Flower
- Clerodendrum wallichii (SHRUB) - Bridal Veil
- Clitoria ternatea * (VINE / HERB) - Butterfly Pea, Bunga Telang
- Codiaeum varigatrum (SHRUB) - Croton
- Colocasia gigantea (HERB) - Giant Colocasia - P. Malaysia
- Congea velutina (VINE) - Pink Shower Orchid, Pink Sandpaper Vine
- Corypha utan (PALM) - Gebang - P. Malaysia and Sabah
- Costus speciosus (HERB) - Setawar Halia, White Costus
- Crateva religiosa (TREE) - Dala, Sacret Garlic Pear, Temple Tree
- Cratoxylum formosum (TREE) - Mempat
- Crinum asiaticum (BULB) - Crinum Lily, Bakong
- Crystostachys renda (PALM) - Sealing Wax Palm - P. Malaysia, Borneo
- Crossandra infundibuliformis (SHRUB) - Firecracker plant
- Curcuma longa (HERB) - Turmeric, Kunyit - Asia
- Cyathea contaminans (FERN) - Highland Tree Fern
- Cyathea latebrosa (FERN) - Lowland Tree Fern - P. Malaysia
- Cyathula prostrata (HERB) - Rumput Jarang-jarang
- Cycas clivicola (CYCAD) - The Clift Cycad - northern P. Malaysia
- Cycas macrocarpa (CYCAD) - P. Malaysia
- Cymbopogon nardus (GRASS) - Citronella, Serai Wangi
- Dacrydium elatium (TREE)
- Davallia denticulata (FERN) - Corsage Fern (Tropical Asia)
- Dianella ensifolia (BULB) - Flax Lily, Akar Siak
- Diasypros blancoi (TREE) - Mabolo - Borneo
- Dillenia excelsa (TREE) - Purple Dillenia - Malaysia
- Dillenia indica (TREE) - Elephant Dillenia
- Dillenia suffructicosa (TREE) - Shrubby Dillenia - Malaysia
- Dipteris conjugata (FERN) - Bua Cek
- Dendrobium crumenatum * (ORCHID) - Pigeon Orchid, Dove Orchid
- Elaeocarpus grandiflorus (TREE) - Fairy Petticoat, Lily of the Valley Tree, Mala - P. Malaysia, Indo-China
- Erythrina fusca * (TREE) - Coral Tree, Pokok Dedap Merah
- Eugeissona utilis (PALM) - Bornean Sago Palm
- Eugenia grandis (TREE) -
- Eurycoma longifolia (HERB) - Tongkat Ali
- Fagraea frangrans (TREE0 - Tembusu
- Ficus auriculata (TREE) Roxburgh Fig - P. Malaysia
- Ficus deltoidea * (HERB) - Mas Cotek - P. Malaysia
- Ficus elastica (TREE) - India Rubber Fig
- Ficus microcarpa (TREE) - Malayan Banyan, Chinese Banyan, Taiwan Banyan, Indian Laurel, Curtain Fig
- Ficus ngii (TREE) -
- Gardenia carinata (TREE) - Kedah Gardenia
- Gardenia tubifera (TREE) - Trumpet Gardenia
- Gnetum gnemon (TREE) - Melinjau
- Gloriosa superba - Flame Lily, Bunga Songsang
- Goniothalamus spp (HERB) - Selukai
- Gynura procumbens (HREB) - Scrambling Gynura, Sambung Nyawa
- Hibiscus sabdariffa * (HERB) - Roselle
- Hopea odorata (TREE) - Merawan Siput Jantan - Malaysia
- Hoya multiflora (VINE) -
- Impatiens mirabilis (SHRUB) - Langkawi Balsam - P. Malaysia
- Ipomoea aquatica (VINE) - Water Spinach, Kangkong
- Ixora javanica (SHRUB)
- Johannesteijsmannia altifrons (PALM) - Common Sal - P. Malaysia
- Johannesteijsmannia lanceolata (PALM) - Narrow-leafed Sal - P. Malaysia
- Johannesteijsmannia magnifica (PALM) - Silver Sal - P. Malaysia
- Justica betonica (SHRUB) - White Shrimp Plant (Tropical Asia)
- Kaempferia pulchra (HERB) - Peacock Ginger, Peacock Plant, Ressurection Lily
- Labisia pumila (HERB) - Kacip Fatimah
- Lagerstroemia speciosa (TREE) - Bungor, Queen's Crape Myrtle
- Leptospermum flavescens (TREE) -
- Licuala spinosa (PALM)
- Litsea garciae (TREE) - Malaysia
- Livistona endauensis (PALM) - Endau Fan Palm - P. Malaysia
- Livistona rotundifolia (PALM) - Footstool Palm - Sabah
- Livistona saribus (PALM) - Taraw Palm
- Lycopodium squarrosum (FERN ALLIES) - Squirrel-tailed Clubmoss
- Maingaya malayana (TREE) - Malaysia
- Marsdenia maingayi, Syn: Stephanotis maingayi (SHRUB) - Malaysia
- Matonia pectinata (FERN)
- Melaleuca cajuputi (TREE) -
- Melastoma malabathricum * (SHRUB) - Senduduk
- Melicope ridleyi, Syn: Euodia ridleyi (SHRUB) - Evodia
- Mesua ferrea (TREE) - Ceylon ironwood
- Metroxylon sagu (PALM) - Sago Palm
- Michelia alba (TREE) - White Chempaka
- Michelia champaca (TREE) - Yellow Chempaka - Malaysia
- Microsorum punctatum (FERN) - Fish Tail Fern (Tropical Asia)
- Mimusops elengi (TREE) - Tanjong
- Monochoria hastata (HERB) - Arrow Leaf Pondweed
- Monochoria vaginalis (HERB) - Oval-leaved Pondweed, Rumput Kelayar, Keladi Agas
- Morinda citrifolia (HERB) - Mengkudu
- Murraya paniculata * (SHRUB) - Orange Jasmine, Kemuning
- Musa beccarii (HERB) - Ornamental Banana - Borneo
- Musa lokok (HERB) - Wild Banana - Sarawak
- Nephroleptis falcata (FERN) - Fishtail Swordfern
- Ocimum basilicum (HERB) - Sweet Basil, Selasih
- Oenanthe javanica (HERB) - Daun Selom, Selom, Water Dropwort, Japanese Parsley, Chinese Celery
- Oncosperma tigillarium (PALM) - Nibong
- Orania sylvicola (PALM) - Ibul - P. Malaysia
- Orchids
- Orchidantha fimbriata (HERB)
- Orthosiphon stamineus * (HERB) - Cat Whiskers, Java Tea, Misai Kucing
- Paederia foetida (VINE) - Lesser Malaysan Stinkwort, Chinese Moon Creeper, Sekuntut
- Papilionanthe hookeriana* (WILDFLOWER GROUND ORCHID) - Semi-aquatic, Kinta Weed, Tapah Weed
- Pandanus dubius (HERB)
- Parkia speciosa (TREE) - Petai
- Peltophorum pterocarpum (TREE) - Yellow Flame
- Persicaria odorata (HERB) - Kesum
- Petraeovited wolfei * (VINE) - Wolfe's Vine, Nong Nooch Vine
- Phacelophrynium maximum (HERB) - Isip (Kelabit)
- Phaleria capitata * (TREE)
- Phoenix paludosa (PALM) - Mangrove Date Palm
- Pholidocarpus kingianus (PALM) - King Fan Palm
- Physalis peruviana (HERB) - Cape Gooseberry
- Pinus merkusii (TREE) - Southeast Asian Pine
- Piper betle (VINE) - Betel Vine, Piper Betel, Sirih
- Piper sarmentosum (HERB) - Pointed Pepper, Kaduk
- Platycerium coronarium (FERN) - Staghorn Fern
- Plectranthus barbatus (HERB) - Indian Borage, Bangun-bangun
- Plectranthus scutellarioides - Coleus
- Phyllanthus acidus (TREE) - Cermai, Gooseberry Tree
- Phyllanthus pectinatus (TREE) - Melaka Tree - Malaysia
- Podocarpus imbricatus (TREE)
- Podocarpus polystachyus (TREE)
- Podocarpus rumphii (TREE)
- Pogostemon cablin (HERB) - Patchouli, Pokok Nilam
- Pogonatherum crinitum (SHRUB) - Bamboo Grass
- Polygonum minus (HERB) - Kesum
- Polyscias scutellaria (HERB) - Puding Semangkuk
- Premna serratifolia (SHRUB) - Buas-buas
- Psilotum nudum (FERN ALLY) - Whisk Fern
- Psophocarpus tetragonolobus - 4 Angled Bean, Winged Bean, Goa Bean, Kacang Botor
- Pterocarpus indicus (TREE) - Sena, Angsana
- Quisqualis indica (VINE) - Rangoon Creeper, Drunken Sailor, Akar Dani, Selimpas
- Rhodoleia championii (TREE) - P. Malaysia
- Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (SHRUB) - Kamunting, Rose Myrtle
- Saraca cauliflora * (TREE) - Yellow Saraca Tree, Cauliflower Tree, Hankerchief Tree
- Sauropus androgynus (HERB) - Sayur Manis, Sweet Leaf, Sabah Vegetable, Cekur Manis
- Schizostachyum brachycladum (TREE) - Lemang Bamboo - Borneo
- Scaphochlamys kunstleri (HERB) - Malaysia
- Sebasnia grandiflora (TREE) - Vegetable Hummingbird, Geti, Turi
- Selaginella willdenowii (FERN ALLY) - Peacock Selaginella
- Selaginella sp. (FERN ALLY) - Mossy Selaginella
- Shorea roxburghii (TREE) - Meranti Temak Nipis - Malaysia
- Streblus asper (TREE) - P. Malaysia
- Syzygium campanulatum (TREE) - Eugenia oleina, Paya Kelat
- Tacca integrifolia * (SHRUB) - Bat Lily
- Terminalia catappa (TREE) - Sea Almond, Ketapang
- Tetracera scandens (VINE) - Akar Ampelas Putih
- Tinospora crispa (VINE) - Petawali
- Triphasia trifolia (TREE) - Limeberry
- Uraria crinita * (SHRUB) - Asian Foxtail
- Urena lobata (SHRUB) - Congo Jute, Pulut-pulut
- Vitex trifolia (SHRUB) - Common Blue Vitex, Lagundi
- Wedelia biflora (VINE) - Serunai Laut
- Wild Torch Gingers
- Etlingera elatior * (HERB) - Bunga Kantan
- Etlingera corneri - Rose Ginger - Malaysia
- Etlingera hemisphaerica - Tulip Ginger
- Etlingera maingayi - Malay Rose Ginger
- Wrightia religiosa * (TREE) - Water Plum Jasmine, Santalia, Melati, Jeliti, Anting Putri
- Zingiber spectabile (HERB) - Beehive Ginger
(1) Orchids - There are about 800 species of orchids native to Peninsular Malaysia and 2,500 in Sabah and Sarawak.
(1) Orchids - There are about 800 species of orchids native to Peninsular Malaysia and 2,500 in Sabah and Sarawak.
- Annona muricata - Soursop
- Annona reticulata - Custard Apple
- Artocarpus heterophyllus - Jackfruit, Nangka
- Artocarpus integer - Cempedak
- Artocarpus odoratissimus - Tarap - Borneo
- Averrhoa bilimbi - Belimbing
- Baccaurea angulata - Tampoi Belimbing - Borneo
- Baccaurea motleyana - Rambai
- Barringtonia racemosa - Putat
- Citrus hystrix - Kaffir lime, limau purut
- Citrus x limon - Lemon
- Citrus maxima* (Syn: C. grandis) - Pomelo, Pummelo, Shaddock, Limau Bali
- Citrus reticulata - Mandarin, Tangerine, Satsuma
- Dimorcarpus longan var. malesianus - Longan, Mata Kucing.
- Durio spp* - Durian
- Eugenia aquea - Water Jambu
- Garcinia atroviridis - Asam Gelugor
- Glycosmis pentaphylla -Merapi
- Litchi chinensis - Lychee
- Mangifera caesia - Macang
- Mangifera foetida (Mangifera horsfieldii) - Bachang
- Mangifera indica - Mango (Tropical Asia)
- Mangifera odorata - Kwini
- Morinda citrifolia - Indian Mulberry, Noni, Mengkudu
- Musa spp* - Banana
- Musa x paradisiaca 'Pisang Mas' - Banana
- Nephelium lappaceum * - Rambutan or 'Tico Berry'
- Pometia pinnata - Kasai
* Click to visit the links to my post about these plants.
Web definition (Wikipedia) : Native plant is a term to describe plants endemic (indigenous) or naturalized to a given area in geologic time while Indigenous Plants are those that originated from a particular geographical area.
Web definition (Wikipedia) : Native plant is a term to describe plants endemic (indigenous) or naturalized to a given area in geologic time while Indigenous Plants are those that originated from a particular geographical area.
Hi ,
ReplyDeleteI would be visiting Kuala Lumpur in a month. I live in india and would love to buy kaffir lime, lemon grass, thai lemon basil and galangal during my visit to KL. can you please suggest me from where can I but these also how long can I store them in the refrigerator?
These ingredients are not easily available in my country so are there any nurseries that sell the above plant saplings or seeds? I would love to carry them back to india and grow them in my garden so that I can use them in thai dishes.
DeleteYou can buy those ingredients at our supermarkets, hypermarkets or wet markets. I am not sure if they are allowed by customs/immigration dept people to be taken back into your country.
On nurseries, you can check them out in Sungei Buloh. The link is here:
You can also join my facebook gardening club here:
Karishma, Welcome to Malaysia :)
DeleteHello there, do you know where can I get seeds or see the endemic plants of Malaysia like the pitcher and so on?
ReplyDeleteAkshay, I'm sorry I can't help you on the source for endemic plants but you can buy pitcher plants from Sg Buloh - Selangor Green Lane:
ReplyDeleteI stumbled upon your blog while searching for bunga telang. I am born and raised in KL and missed the flower and its color for dye. I currently live in California. I am visiting KL next year, any chance of meeting you and a view of your lovely garden. I promise not to steal your flowers:)
Melinda, why not? I will be looking forward to meeting you. Do keep in touch with me via Facebook or my email address: mynicegardenblog(at)
ReplyDeleteI'm looking for Labisia Fatimah plantlet. May I know how many species do you have in your nursery.
Hi Nik, This is not a nursery but a gardening blog.
Deletehi i was wondering where can i get a sapling of a pinkish myrtle tree.
ReplyDeleteis it a common treee to find in malaysia
Ethan, it depends on what species of myrtle tree you have in mind.
DeleteOut of this list, are there any succulents? I would like to find out if there are any succulent plants that are native to SE Asia, Malaysia, or Indonesia. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteIn the above list, Aeschynanthes can be considered as a succulent. It has succulent leaves.
DeleteHi do you have Cosmos caudatus (ulam raja) / king salad in secret garden?
ReplyDeleteI mean the plant with flower?
Thank you.
Imanojoel, yes Cosmos caudatus is grown at the Secret Garden. It is flowering now.
DeleteAre you selling it?
DeleteNo, I don't have any seeds for sale.
DeleteOkay,thank you very much for your feedback,will visit the garden soon. Which area can I find the cosmos in the garden?
DeleteHi do you have andrographis paniculata?
ReplyDeleteDo you have vernonia amygdalina as well?
ReplyDeleteImanjoel, I'm sorry I don't sell plants.
Deletehi there
ReplyDeleteI am from Penang and i am looking for Roase of Siam do you by any chance have it
Ive several ginger in my garden and heliconias as well as locals 016 6659026
Rose of Siam - do you mean Etlingera corneri? I'm sorry I don't have it.
Deletewe are a landscape company in penang and are looking for phyllanthus pectinatus trees - 4.5m OH qty = 29 nos
ReplyDeleteanyone can recommend / help ?? pls write :
Where can get Lee Kuan Yew plant in Selangor?
ReplyDeleteElaine, if you are referring to the Vernonia elliptica which is nicknamed the "Lee Kuan Yew plant", you can try to search for it in Sg Buloh - Selangor Green Lane or near old Sg Buloh hospital area.
DeleteHi, Where can I find a Bauhinia purpurea plant for my garden?