Count Your Blessings!

With love and passion, everyone can have a nice garden...Elaine Yim

Count Your Blessings!
Count The Garden By The Flowers, Never By The Leaves That Fall.
Count Your Life With Smiles And Not The Tears That Roll.
..... Author unknown.

Knowing me, Knowing you..... Aha.....!

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Malaysian Flora USDA Zone 11
Welcome to our exotic world of everlasting summers and tropical rainforests!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Raindrops On My Roses and Blog Rest

Tears of joy are like the summer rain drops pierced by sunbeams.
~ Hosea Ballou

I love to photograph my flowers after the rain. To my naked eye, the raindrops that collect on the leaves and petals look like colourless crystals and pearls. But through the camera lens, they are transformed into magic mirrors from where I get a beautiful view of the world above.

Can you see the sun's rays on the raindrop?

“Raindrops On My Roses and Blog Rest”, a copyrighted post, was written for My Nice Garden blog by Autumn Belle @ on June 30th, 2011.

"Life is like a rainbow.
You need both the sun and the rain to make its colours appear."
~ unknown

Whenever it rains, I always remember this song our high school music teacher taught us during morning school assembly. Sometimes I like to sing it when it is raining - Joy is like the rain:

I saw raindrops on my window
Joy is like the rain!
Laughter runs across my pain,
Slips away and comes again
Joy is like the rain!

The month of June 2011 also marks my 2nd Blog Anniversary - as an active Blogger and Blotanist. Today I'd like to thank all my 315 Followers, 30,300 visitors from 171 countries who had come to visit My Nice Garden with your 6,000 comments and 146,000 hits (StatCounter). I'll be taking a 2 weeks blog holiday. Until then, there will be no more new postings but I'll be blog-walking though. Meanwhile, I hope you have enjoyed learning about tropical plants, trees and flowers with me.

Please, please tell me:
What do you like most about this blog?
What new things would you like me to post about?

Hope you enjoyed this during the interlude. This is a special song in the sense that different members of my family from different generations love different versions of the same song sung by different people; Dusty Springfield, Bay City Rollers and Volbeat!


  1. Lovely post and your rose is beautiful. I hope you have a nice deserved rest from blogging.

  2. I love your blog! Don't change anything, more of the same ... but have a good blog-break first - we'll all still be here when you get back :)

  3. I love your blog too. You always have beautiful photos and lots of information.


  4. Ditto what Christine said.
    Congratulations on your 2nd Blogaversary, not many people get past one year.

  5. Happy blogaversary, and enjoy the rest. I love how you have captured the reflections in the raindrops.

  6. I try to search for you in the raindrops.

  7. Your photos are fantastic. Hope you enjoy your break.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  8. Love the raindrop on roses pictures, and the way you ask us to see every detail. It's nice to slow down and really look. Happy Blogaversary! I hope you enjoy your time off.

  9. Congratulations on your 2nd anniversary! Yes, the raindrops on your Roses are magical! Enjoy your blog rest. We'll miss you, but look forward to more great posts when you get back. Cheers!

  10. Happy Blogaversary, Autumn Belle. -Jean

  11. Dearest Autumn Belle, Happy Anniversary. Of course you know i love your blog, we become friends from this, and I learn much from you through this. More power to you, and whatever you do next, i will still be a follower, and i remain...Andrea

  12. Happy thoughts and good wishes come your way from this deep south Alabama Gardener! This blog is filled with wonderful insights and information. Keep up the good work!

    Beautiful Rose Picture

  13. Happy Blogiversary and have a wonderful holiday.

  14. Hi frens! So nice to see your comments that bring some cheer to me.

    I had a terrible close encounter with blog disaster early this morning. I think I opened and closed a few window at the same time, hence there was an error message (code 400 or overload) and thereafter I was logged out. Then I could not access all my blogs despite repeated attempts and turning my computer on and off and resetting few times. Can you imagine - I can't log into my own blogs??? I was in panic and almost COL (cried out loud). Luckily, thanks to google self-help, I was advised to delete all my cookies and history and it is ok now. What a relief! So dear frens, do be careful when you are tying too fast. Remember also to regularly backup your beloved blog.

  15. Saved by your raindrops..whoa had the same issue "#400 bad code" appearing cant post a comment and worst cant even peel ma own Bananaz blog until I saw your tips. Back to normal now..tQ

  16. Happy 2nd Gardenerous Year will be missing your marvelous pixz which Bananaz love the most in your blog and you do not need any new things as it new all the time. Kudos and Thank You. Have a great holiday.

  17. Happy anniversary and happy holidays! I enjoy reading your posts.Please put up some wild flowers of Malaysia.

  18. Happy Blogiversary Autumn.I have enjoyed your blog so much.
    How beautiful is the roses with the water drops. Roses and diamonds.

  19. The photo capture of the sun's reflection is outstanding! What I like about your blog are the photos, the unique plants (to me), and your introduction to tropical plants. Have a great rest!

  20. Happy Blogsversary! I enjoy your posts and your newspaper articles. Keep going.Have a good break.

  21. Good Morning frens!

    Bananaz, so glad to know that you know the 'secret' how to access back your blog, otherwise, I'll be deprived of future humour and jokes.

    Lotusleaf, you read my mind. Wildflowers is what I'd like to do.

    Lona, yes! Diamonds! Why didn't I think of diamonds before this. That's what I meant.

    Sage Butterfly, it is our opposites that attracts - your temperate plants vs our tropicals. I also hope that my fellow Malaysians will be inspired to appreciate our own native plants and wildflowers.

    Keats, thank you very much for your rays of sunshine that always gives me the extra boost of energy!

  22. Congrats! And keep blogging! I applaud at the photos of those roses and raindrops. I love everything about your blog - narration, topics, photos, and the passion. Please share some gardening tips that helped you.

  23. Congrats to you. Have a wonderful rest, and come back blooming like your beautiful blogs.

  24. I had same problem too last week! Anyway Happy holiday!
    Nice rose flower shot!

  25. Many Congratulations n Wishing you many many more.... Ditto, I too love to photograph my flowers after the rain :) Magnificent pc n words. They look like huge water bubbles rather than raindrops....:):) Hv always enjoyed visiting your blog and looking fwd to more posts from you.
    Cheers! Radhika

  26. Here's message from Rosey who was unable to comment on my blog:

    My computer would not let me comment on your blog! I just wanted to say I hope you have a great break and to let you know that I always have enjoyed learning about flowers from your blog. The knowledge you share is personable and concise and your photos are always such great "eye candy."

    Thank you very much for your timely notification. (((hugs!)))

  27. Asha, Vetsy, Malar, Radhika, Thank you very much for the feedback ;>)

    It seems that Blogger has completed some transition on my behalf (after some kind of dateline set by them). I hope it helps you too:

    1. If you can't log in to Blogger - Select Tools, Internet Options and delete your history and cookies from there.

    2. Visitors unable to comment on my blog - I am following Blogger self help to change the setting for comments to display the full page instead of 'embed below post'. I hope it is back to normal now.

  28. Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. These are a few of my favorite things. . . Autumn Belle, now you have me singing.

    Belated Happy Blogaversary! Enjoy your rest. I'm sure you will return with more great post ideas. Looking forward to your next one.

  29. All beautiful roses. Thank you for bring us there. I wish i can go, huhuhuhu..


Words are like the voice of the heart... Confucius

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