Count Your Blessings!

With love and passion, everyone can have a nice garden...Elaine Yim

Count Your Blessings!
Count The Garden By The Flowers, Never By The Leaves That Fall.
Count Your Life With Smiles And Not The Tears That Roll.
..... Author unknown.

Knowing me, Knowing you..... Aha.....!

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Malaysian Flora USDA Zone 11
Welcome to our exotic world of everlasting summers and tropical rainforests!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

One Year and A Beautiful Lime Butterfly

A Chequered Swallowtail Butterfly, also known as the Common Lime Butterfly (Papilio demoleus)
likes to visit flowers, loves puddling about in mud and basking on the tufts of grass or herbs with its wings spread. It is faily common in many habitats and is particularly abundant here in our tropical rainforest of Malaysia.

Today, I realised that I am already one year old.

I was watering the plants this morning when I saw this overturn butterfly. I almost poured the water on it but luckily I could stop in time. It looks like a butterfly that has just emerged from a chrysallis but I couldn't find any chrysallis nearby.

When I put this banana skin with a little bit of flesh left near the bush, it just hopped onto it. Maybe it is hungry?

It stayed there for a long time, stationary, so that I could photograph it. I was clicking away at many different angles and it moved a little bit, as though posing for me. After the session, I left it on its own to feed and dry its wings? By afternoon, it was gone. I am glad that I couldn't find any carcass meaning that it has flown away, as free as can be.

My post today is dedicated to Ms Rose Belle from California, USA of Three Wisdoms Blog. Thank you for being the first commenter of my previous post on Clerodendrum paniculatum. I have learnt a lot from her wise words from which her blog is named and I am glad to know her.

On 2nd June 2010 marks exactly my 1 year of garden blogging. I am one year old!
Just like this butterfly that has emerged from its chrysallis, I feel that I have also gone through a metamorphosis, haha!
Thank you very much for your friendship. I appreciate it very much.

Meanwhile, I am pondering over some issues.
(a) Some people are using my photos and blog posts and republishing them on dotcoms without asking me. Why ?
(b) I have my domain name purchased from Blogger but am not sure how to migrate without data loss.

I am taking a short rest. No more blog posting until 20th June 2010.

The problem related to (a) include foreign websites using my old blog post titles to mislead search engines like Google to display their links in the search result. When garden visitors click on it, they are redirected to porn sites or emarketing sites that have no gardening content or with stolen pictures and contents. Visitors are puzzled or confused when they find that they have entered the wrong site, so they keep clicking on the link. I think these people want to earn extra Google Adsense money based on per click method. Thank's to Rosie's comment and message, I am now trying to find out further info on how to deal with this.

Therefore, please do a google search based on the keywords of your blogname and blog post titles. Maybe you'll find some interesting results which may be jaw dropping or adrenalin pumping!


  1. Dear Autumn Belle, Congratulations on achieving a year of weblogging. I, along with many others, will look forward to your second year!

    The butterfly image is lovely, and so apt for the content of your posting. I like to think of it flying freely in the beautiful setting of your garden.

  2. Congrats Autumn Belle on reaching this milestone. I cannot understand why people continue to copy other peoples work. How did you find out? Enjoy your rest and will hear from you soon. Take care.

  3. These are gorgeous pictures. You couldn't have chosen a better prop than the banana to show off this butterfly. It is perfect!

    Happy Blogger Birthday!

  4. Congratulations on turning one year! How did you find out that people copy your posts? I wish there was a way to stop them.
    The butterfly is very pretty.

  5. Happy First Anniversary, Autumn Belle, My Dear Virtual Friend. Take a good anniversary rest and we will keep waiting for your next post. Why, are you leaving town? That butterfly photo is so beautiful, and its presence for you is nature's reward for a generous kind soul. We are also on holiday on 14th so we will have a long weekend, and i will be out of town too, far from blogging. See you next week. Have a good rest! BTW, how did you find out about your stolen photos?

  6. Happy one year of blogging! That butterfly is amazing. I love your photos!
    It is awful to see your own photos on another site! I know...I saw some of mine the other day on a site and it made me so angry.

    Hope you have a nice break. ~Amy

  7. Edith, Helen, Kathy, Lotusleaf, Andrea,Amy.

    Thank you very much for the good wishes and nice comments.

    The last time when it happened, I found out when I googled by typing my own blog address. I was shocked to find an overseas website using my blog post titles. When I click on it, I was redirected to a social escort website calling themselves 'My Nice Garden' or something to that effect. Another one went to the fella's empty site. I suspect that they were trying to earn advert money based on clicks so I reported them to Google Adsense. However, google never replied me. The web owners do not list their contact details on their site, so I am unable to communicate with them.

    Yesterday, while searching for information, I was shocked to see the pictures of some of my old posts used by a foreign site. I was not even using my blog address or the my own post keywords in my search. Same case, no contact details for 2 way communication.

    I am sad, angry and mad when I realise that I can't do much at the moment.

  8. Congratulations Autumn on your one year. It is always so upsetting to see someone pirating your own work. The experience with the butterfly is so fun. What beautiful images of it too. Have a wonderful vacation from blogging and we will be here waiting for your return.

  9. Congratulations on one year of blogging! Enjoy your holiday.

    Sorry to hear you too have been hit by copiers. Galloping Gardener has recently sorted this problem on her blog. Can you report them to blogger/blogspot?

  10. Congratulations on your bloggaversary! The butterfly is stunning. I have seen several in my garden this year but they don't stay still long enough to photograph. Enjoy your break!

  11. Autumn Belle congratulations on your 1 year anniversary and those lovely photos. I suppose one way to look at it is that your blog must be good for scrapers to want to use it.

    They normally take the information from your feed. Make sure when you go into your dashboard and go to settings you set your feed to short feed rather than long feed. I've just checked yours and its the long feed with all your lovely photos - if you check mine you get the title and 1 line and no photos.

    If its a site then do you see the little navigation bar that comes up on most blogsites - click the one that reports to google about spam.

    Also get into those meta tags of yours in your template and alter it so that the bots are not allowed to crawl through your images.

    Then you'll also see on my blog now that I have a copyright at the bottom of each post that has a link directly back to my site. I've recently seen a few bloggers put this right at the top of their blog posts now.

    I see you have your proper www address on your photos - so thats a good step to take too.

    Do google alerts for your posts - add a few distinct words in your post and make an alert up so that any time those sets of words are on the net you will get an alert to the web site.

    I use digital fingerprints on all my photos and writing too - you'll see the link over on my blog - that place can advise you too on what to do if you find your work elsewhere too.
    I've no experience with the domain names but as far as I know its easier when you purchase from blogger as google does all the necessary work for you. Just back up your blog via the export first before you do anything.

    Despite all of this I hope you have a lovely rest. :) Rosie

  12. Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary.

    How clever to capture such lovely photos of the butterfly.

    Enjoy your break.

  13. Yay Congrats on your Blog Birthday! I am so happy you created it!Wonderful photos...that butterfly is super gorgeous..and on a cool!
    Wow..that is terrible your posts are being used..i see mine everywhere too and dont know what to do..!((hugs)))
    have a great break and enjoy!

  14. Awww, thanks for the shout out there :) 1 year blogging milestone and many beautiful pictures and knowledge you shared with us. I think, if anything, you increase our knowledge about all the beautiful flower and plant species out there. I certainly have learned a lot from you.

    The butterfly seems to be photogenic, allowing you to snap away. I used to have a white butterfly coming by regularly but I don't see it anymore. I found out that butterflies have very short life span of a few weeks so I think my white butterfly is no longer alive.

  15. Happy Blogaversary, Autumn Belle -- and what better way to celebrate than with this lovely butterfly! I hope your migration to the new domain will give you relief from the content thiefs. -Jean

  16. Good shot of the butterfly! Congrats for blogging one year!! Good job and have a good break :-D

  17. What wonderful photos of the butterfly, do you use a macro lens? It must be lovely to garden in the Tropics, my dear mother would have loved it, she always grew exotic (to us in England!)fruit and plants from seed. Best wishes Betty x

  18. Nice lovely butterfly perfect shot when its not moving. Happy one year blog wiser. tQ.

  19. Congratulations on your one year of blogging, Autumn Belle! I'm sorry that someone has been pirating some of your writing and photos; I think there is some place that you can report this, but unfortunately, I don't remember where.

    The butterfly images are beautiful and so appropriate for your first blogaversary!

  20. Congrats on your blog anniversary Autumn.

    I hope you are able to get rid of the spam copies of site. It is upsetting and puzzling to find out that some people are so unscrupulous that they have no shame.

    Enjoy your break.

  21. Hello,
    A nice birthday present this butterfly.

  22. Lona, Diana, Pam, Joanne, Kiki, Joanne, RoseBelle, Jean, Stephanie, Bananaz, Rose, Aaron, Melanie, Ellada.

    Thank you very much for the 'blog birthday wishes' and support which are like sunshine after my shocking encounter upon discovery of my other 'birthday' present.

    Special thanks to Rosie for your kindness and help. I'm so grateful!(((Hugs))).

  23. Betty of Country Rose Corner,

    Welcome to my nice garden. In the tropics, we can grow plants that flowers the whole year round with no need to worry about winter frost.

    I use a point and shoot Olympus FE-4000 for my photo shoots. It has a very good 'super macro' function. I am lucky to get such clear pictures because the natural lighting at 8:00am is just right.

    The best time to take butterfly pictures is the early morning when they have just emerged from the chrysalis and drying their wings. Otherwise, they'll be too fast for us.

  24. what a beautiful butterfly!

    happy birthday or should i say blogday?

  25. Oh and I forgot to mention that I loved that beautiful butterfly! You are a good photographer!

  26. Thanks for the tips about google search engines.
    Sometimes ignorance is bliss!

  27. Happy blogiversary!!!

    The butterfly shot is amazing. I love how you can see the proboscis and everything in fine detail. How wonderful that he was actually posing for you!

  28. u´re a luck woman....u can believe me...


  29. i'm just wondering if the butterfly knew it was your birthday? have a lovely rest...

  30. Congrats on your first anniversary!

  31. Dear Autumn Belle,

    You got some amazing shots of the Lime butterfly. I'm still waiting for this one to visit my garden this year. This must be one of the prettiest butterflies.

    Happy blog anniversary. Looking forward to your future posts. Blog on~~ and enjoy your break.

  32. Ayie, Rosey, Wendy, Grace, Hazeltree, Jama, Kanak. Thank you very much for the visit, supportive comments and my 1st Birthday wishes. I appreciate it very much.

    Grace, I'm so sorry about the loss of your brother-in-law. Do take good care of youself.

  33. Hi Autumn Belle answer to your question on Blog Idol 2010 it's a series of different songs to be competed where the contestants have pre-selected at the start of the game. So far we have left 6 contestants for this week it's a "Current Song" category. At end of the week the one with the lowest vote will be eliminated. Next week 5 more will compete on a "Duet" followed by 'Country, Classic & Most Favorite' category with each week of one eliminated until the final Round. Care to join in the fun and vote for your fav songs? Must select your 3 songs per vote and you can only vote once per week at the comments column. tQ

    Blog Idol 2010

  34. Congratz for upgrading your domain and you have got nice template blending very well with your website. tQ.

  35. I hope this situation is resolved quickly. I had my blog stolen as well. I filed a complaint with Google/Blogger and it was resolved in short order. Hopefully this will be the case with you too. My fingers are crossed.

  36. Lovely garden and beautiful butterfly photography. You captured it so well! You wrote me a message on Blotanist, thanks for the warm welcome. I added you to my blog roll. Please visit mine when you have a chance. Thanks, have a great day fellow gardener! :)

  37. Hi,

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment. Is this your most recent post? I was not sure if I was posting at the right place because the date is June 9th. Just a few words to let you know how beautiful the butterfly is. Fantstic photos.


  38. One year in blogging already? Good - happy blogging for many more years to come!!

    Btw, very beautiful photos of the butterfly! Nice : )

    I love this garden blog - so green and pleasant to the eyes! : )

  39. Congratulations on a year of blogging. I'm looking forward to seeing more posts.

  40. Your butterfly photos are just gorgeous. You have a lovely blog and it is a shame people are copying your work. Congrats on your one year blog anniversary and good luck with your new one.

  41. Keep going! You take such beautiful photos and your gardening skill is an inspiration to all.

  42. Happy one year blogging! I hope the problems you were having are sorted out, and you will continue.

    The beautiful butterfly is like a jewel. Gorgeous!

  43. Dear Belle, Happy First Birthday! The beautiful butterfly exemplifies the joy you have brought others with your blog for the past year! I am so sorry about your troubles, and hope you solve them quickly. Enjoy your rest, but come back soon. Pam x

  44. Amazing butterfly shots! And of course, happy blogging birthday! I've only just begun but it's a lovely community already and I enjoy your blog.

  45. Hope you will succeed in protecting your blog!
    Anyway nice shot of the butterfly!

  46. AB, Happy blogaversary! How wonderful for you! Your butterfly definitely appreciates your nice garden, too. So pretty! How fortunate for you to be able to enjoy him.

  47. Superb photos .Really love the butterfly _ i think it was posing for you:)

    Happy 1st year! You're doing well. Keep going.

  48. Thanks for warning us about the scam.

    I noticed some comments in Chinese posted on my blog to lead readers to pornographic sites. These days I just delete those suspicious comments in Chinese texts.

    Congratulations on your 1st Anniversay of your blog. And I love photos of the butterflies. May you share more stories about your garden with us here in years to come.

    Btw, do contact those people who use your photos and articles without permission as that is infringement of copyright! You can sue them.

  49. Dear Autumn Belle, are you only 1 year old??? I feel like I've known you for many years! I enjoy your blog, both the text and the pictures! The images of this butterfly are incredibly clear, just beautiful! I hope all your issues will be resolved soon. Happy gardening, my dear blogging friend!

  50. Congrats Autumn Belle! I hope you continue to keep up this beautiful and helpful blog. I always love visiting here. My pleasure!

  51. Congratulations Autumn Belle! You are one great gardening blogger! Please keep up with the good work!

    Best wishes!


Words are like the voice of the heart... Confucius

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