Count Your Blessings!

With love and passion, everyone can have a nice garden...Elaine Yim

Count Your Blessings!
Count The Garden By The Flowers, Never By The Leaves That Fall.
Count Your Life With Smiles And Not The Tears That Roll.
..... Author unknown.

Knowing me, Knowing you..... Aha.....!

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Malaysian Flora USDA Zone 11
Welcome to our exotic world of everlasting summers and tropical rainforests!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

GBBD June 2011

1. My Nong Nooch Vine (Petraeovited wolfei)
- Creamy white blooms protruding out of the yellow bracts.

It was love at first sight when I first saw the Wolfei vine at the Secret Garden of 1-Utama. I waited almost 2 years before I found the sapling at a nursery in Sg Buloh. It is a native plant of Malaysia.

My 2009 post about this plant is here

“GBBD June 2011, a copyrighted post, was written for My Nice Garden blog by Autumn Belle @ on June 15th, 2011.

2. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 
The weather has been kind. Many plants in my garden are blooming.

3. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

4.  Lagerstroemia speciosa 
The tree is also know as Queen's Crape-myrtle, Pride of India, Banaba, Bungor Raya.
It was planted by the developer in front of my house and I now I am taking care of it.

5. Antigonon leptopus
I first saw this Coral Vine (aka San Miguelito Vine) from Mexico at the Penang Butterfly Farm.
Now I am growing it to attract butterflies to my garden. I also read that it produces edible tubers.

 Has anybody eaten the tubers before?

6. This plant is grown from seeds of a yellow flesh watermelon fruit that I had eaten.
It has just started to flower but has not produced any fruits yet.

7. Echinodorus cordifolius aka Spade Sword Leaf aka Creeping Burhead.
It is a water plant.

8. Mini rose hybrids that love our equatorial sunshine.

9. Purple Cat Whiskers flowers and the wasp tiger moth. My white cat whiskers are also blooming.
I find that the purple variety grow slowly like an erect shrub while the white variety is a vigorous grower that makes a good ground cover.

Cat whiskers (Orthosiphon aristatus) are native plants of Malaysia.
We can just pluck the fresh leaves to make a health drink called Java Tea.
L to R:
Top row - Azalea, Tibouchina urvilleana aka Glory Princess, Costus curvibracteatus
Middle row - Lantana, Zephyranthes candida aka Fairy Lily, Tecoma capensis aka Cape Honeysuckle
Bottom row - Lantana, Ixora, Angelwing jasmine

My other flowering plants that didn't make it to this post due to space constraints are:  Kesidang (Vallaris glabra aka bread flowers), Torch Ginger, Ylang-ylang, Jasmin sambac, Wrightia antidysenterica, Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow, Sharp Tongue (Sansevieria trisfasciata), Costus woodsonii, anthuriums, balsam, cuphea are also blooming.

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is held on the 15th of every month. To participate and view whats blooming in gardens around the world, you can visit Carol of May Dreams Gardens, the link is here.


  1. Wow! lovely blooms Autumn Belle, so many of them in your garden! Superb photos!

  2. What a delight your garden is! I thoroughly enjoyed my walk through your blooms. I can almost smell them ...

    PS: I especially like the Antigonon leptopus! Very pretty!

  3. Beautiful flowers you have going on there.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  4. Such a wonderful variety of colorful blooms in your lovely gardens.


  5. You have such interesting and beautiful plants growing in your yard. I love the hibiscus of course, they are my favorite. My tropical hibiscus lives in a pot, because I have to take it inside when it frosts. It takes a while to bloom again after I take it outside in the spring, because it is shocked by the change in the light I guess. It is very interesting what different kinds of plants you can grow there.

  6. Jedne piękniejsze od drugich, ale hibiskus to nr 1 dla mnie. Pozdrawiam

  7. So many beautiful flowers in your garden! I bet you will have many types of butterflies arround! I like your Nong Nooch Vine! It has pretty flowers!

  8. I love all your beautiful flowers. I was going to choose one I like best but it is impossible. I always grow those yellow water melons. Have harvested several times but they don't become very big.

  9. Beautiful blooms and collages, you have some plants that i havent seen. Purple cat whiskers is one, and another is the Nong Nooch vine. But have you seen white Antigono there. We have it here. I read your response to my comment and i am happy for that, you are getting poetic these days! Have more fun, miss you!

  10. Cat whiskers got purple and white color, now I know :). Lovely flowers and a great post its certainly a blooming day for bloggers. tQ

  11. You have such an abundance of beautiful and unusual blooms. Your garden is fantastic.

  12. I too have fallen in love with your Nong nooch vine, after seeing it in your posts!All your flowers are beautiful!

  13. I adore your picture of the wasp tiger moth.

  14. So many oddities from my garden perspective... love them all! Larry

  15. Such a unusual crepe myrtle. Haven't seen one like that before.

  16. I'm going to have to show my partner these pics! What we had planned was quite bland in comparison doh:)

  17. Pretty blooms - love your Nooch Vine!

  18. Delightful! I love the hibiscus...they just shine in the garden.

  19. You certainly have a "nice garden" and thanks for inviting me in. I loved your hibiscus too and some I'd never seen before.

  20. I just love the color of that yellow hibiscus. Luscious. -Jean

  21. Thank you very much for your marvelous comments. I'm sorry I may be slow in returning your comments as I'll be out of town celebrating our secondary school class reunion this Saturday, 18th. Actually, I'm quite nervous about this meeting with old-old friends from my 'sweet-17' school days.

  22. I've missed you too, AB...where have you been? I know, tending to your garden to produce these lovely blooms, I bet. Love the whole collection.

  23. Hello, Autumn Belle!
    Really lovely and unusual plants!
    The hibiscus are my favorite.

  24. Dear Autumn Belle, Your garden looks amazing, as always! I especially love the Queen's crape-myrtle. Such lovely blooms. P. x

  25. Gorgeous blooms! The nong nooch vine is so pretty. I love that yellow - the flowers, the colorful bracts...

  26. I like the cat whiskers. You have hibiscus and lantana in the tropics, and I have them in my desert garden. Somewhat opposite climates, but they love the heat I guess.


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