Count Your Blessings!

With love and passion, everyone can have a nice garden...Elaine Yim

Count Your Blessings!
Count The Garden By The Flowers, Never By The Leaves That Fall.
Count Your Life With Smiles And Not The Tears That Roll.
..... Author unknown.

Knowing me, Knowing you..... Aha.....!

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Malaysian Flora USDA Zone 11
Welcome to our exotic world of everlasting summers and tropical rainforests!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Angelonia salicariifolia - An Angel for Your Scented Garden

“Angelonia salicariifolia - An Angel for Your Scented Garden”, a copyrighted post, was written for My Nice Garden blog by Autumn Belle @ on July 4th, 2010

The flowers of the Angelonia salicariifolia are double lipped and variegated. They also look like snapdragons. They attract butterflies, bees and humming birds.

The shiny and glossy leaves look like willow leaves. They are aromatic and have a mild apple fragrance, hence it is a good choice for the scented garden.

Scientific name: Angelonia salicariifolia

Common names:
Angelonia, Willowleaf Angelon, Angel Mist,
Summer Snapdragon, Angel Flower, Purple Pasion

Chinese name:  天使花('tian shi hua' or angel flower)
Malay name: Bunga Satay (Satay flower)

Family: Scrophulariaceae (Figwort family)
Origin:Tropical America

Photographs taken by Autumn Belle at The Secret Garden of 1-Utama
Grateful thanks to Dr. Francis Ng of The Secret Garden of 1-Utama.

This plant which is covered with sticky hairs is classified as an ornamental perennial herb. It is suited for flower beds and borders. It can also be grown in containers.

It prefers moist, well drained, fertile soil and loves the sun. Prunning will encourage new growth and new blooms. Eventually it will die back. Propagation of new plants is by softwood cuttings and rarely by seeds.

Angelonia salicariifolia blooms continuously throughout the year in the tropics and late winter to early spring in cooler climates. The flowers may be lavender, purple or white in colour and they are good as cut flowers.

Have you grow or seen this plant in your climate zone?

To my friends in the USA,
HAPPY 4th of July!

This is my entry for Today's Flowers # 100, a meme which opens every Sunday, 2pm GMT. My grateful thanks to Today's Flowers team members; Luiz Santili Jr, Denise in Virginia, Laerte Pupo and Sandy Carlson. To participate and view other gorgeous flowers around the world, click here.


  1. I like this flower. We usually see the purple variety here. Do you know its native country?

  2. Beautiful little flowers--I've never seen them before; they don't grow here in northern California as far as I know. How delightful to have leaves that smell like apples!

  3. Lotusleaf, they are probably native to Puerto Rico and Brazil.

    Pat, in the USA, it is suited for Zones 9a and 9b and maybe you can find it in Texas.

  4. Hello,
    I did not know this flowers, but it is beautiful.
    Thank you for sharing.

  5. It is very pretty and the fragrance sounds lovely!

  6. The blooms look lovely and with a fragrance you say? That's cool. I find it difficult to get fragrant plants except the usual...

  7. Congrats Autumn Belle on
    your custom domain name!
    And thank you for the informative post on Angelonia s.
    Not a plant I'm familiar with... must be lovely in a bouquet.
    aka Bay Area Tendrils/Alice's Garden Travel Buzz

  8. I think I have to look for this at the nursery this is gorgeous! Happy Sunday!

    Day Lilies

  9. So pretty! I've never seen such flowers here, maybe I should look around more often! lol

  10. so sweet of you! happy 4th of july!

  11. gorgeous garden! it speaks summer through every leaf!

  12. Hi Autumn Belle, i am back again, have been going away from blogging more often. I hope it is not due to waning excitement...This plant and flowers are unknown to me, i am embarassed. No just joking, but maybe i haven't given much attention so i thought i haven't seen it. If it grows in Malaysia it grows here as well.

  13. The flowers are beautiful. So is your blog. Keep your passion for gardening flowing! Have a nice day!

  14. I've never heard of this plant before but inside its little flowers remind me of our native foxgloves. Beautiful photos Autumnbelle.

    :) Rosie

  15. They really do look like snap dragons but with more colors. What beautiful shots and thanks for the info and botanical name.

  16. Lovely flower shots, Autumn Belle! I've never seen this beauty before. many tropical treasures in our country and thanks for sharing them in your informative site!

  17. It is not one I am not familiar with , but then again I am an amateur! It is very pretty! I haven't ever participated in that meme but maybe I will remember this sunday! Thanks

  18. I love scented plants. This one sounds and looks lovely Autumn.

  19. Lovely perennial! I never seen this plant before.
    It looks like balsam!
    Thanks for sharing.

  20. lovely flowers Autumn

  21. aloha,

    these are beautiful, yes they do remind me of snap dragons, but more lush in their flowering pattern

  22. really pretty. I think I would like the mild apple fragrance. The flowers are really pretty too!

  23. Angelonia looks much like our Snapdragon Penstemon. I love the spots inside of each flower :-)

  24. I love angelonias...always add them to my pots but they can get lanky and droop for me since I forget to pinch them back. They do remind me of snapdragons.
    It's been soo long..I have alot of catching up to do on your beautiful blog, Autumn Belle! ;) Have a great day!

  25. I think that I might have this in my garden, but am not sure as I lost the plant tag. I put it in the shade and it hasn't loved me for it.

  26. Wow they grow in my garden but I never knew they were so interesting.


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