Count Your Blessings!

With love and passion, everyone can have a nice garden...Elaine Yim

Count Your Blessings!
Count The Garden By The Flowers, Never By The Leaves That Fall.
Count Your Life With Smiles And Not The Tears That Roll.
..... Author unknown.

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Malaysian Flora USDA Zone 11
Welcome to our exotic world of everlasting summers and tropical rainforests!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Water Lilies and Tadpoles


  1. Stunning colors! Simply lovely.
    Sunny :)

  2. The first words that came out of my mouth when I saw these pictures were "wow" and "ohhhh". Very beautiful photography. Are these growing in your pond? Lovely.

  3. Everytime when I come across water lilies, I just like to stop and watch the flowers. They look so fake but very attractive. Once I thought the gardeners put some fake flowers in the pond... silly me he he he. These flowers are very well taken. Have a great day Autumn Belle!

  4. Sunny, Catherine, Ms Daisy, Stephanie. Thanks for the nice comments. The photo of the pink lily is taken at the Floria 2009 flower show while the purple one is mine. I don't have a pond at home but I am growing it in a pail. The flowers seem to last only for a day.

  5. Hi Autumn Belle,
    These are very different blooms and very refreshing for my eyes!
    Prettiest pink I have seen in a while!

  6. That first photo is stunning, Autumn Belle! I hope to grow water lilies one of these days..when I have a water garden. Too bad the blooms don't last very long!

  7. Lovely water lilies. There are a few large ponds nearby and it is always fun to drive by them to see what is blooming.

  8. Your lilies are glorious. The species that will live through our winters here are pretty, but they do not compare in color to what you are able to grow in the tropics.

  9. Fabulous shots, the colors are so vibrant!

  10. Hi Autumn Belle, you have the most beautiful waterlilies ever! I never tire of looking at those luscious blooms. The blue is particularly exquisite. :-)

  11. What gorgeous photos! The colours are simply stunning. Thank you for sharing them =)

  12. I love water lilies. These are like I've never seen. Fantastic.

    Thanks for visiting my SWF post.

  13. Wow! Your photos are beautiful, especially the first two, stunning! The waterlilies have such bright, striking colors. And I am surprised that the flowers only last for a day, so short. Maybe because most beautiful things don't last long huh haha

  14. Striking colours and they look so lovely too.

  15. beautiful color... for a while, i thought it really looks like a furnace with yellow fire!!

  16. Rosey, Lynn, Lynns, Les, Perreinalgardener, Frances, Dot, Louise, Sandy, Sunshine Girl, Bangchik.

    I really appreciate your visits and the nice comments. Thank you very much. Some good news about this water lily is that I don't need a pond to grow it. A pail will do. Although the flowers last for a day only, new ones are coming out quite fast as replacement.

  17. Absolutely stunning! I love water lillies too but havent had much luck in growing them yet.

  18. Sunita, I have also seen the yellow water lilies which are very beautiful. I wish you good luck in your next attempt.

  19. wonderful water lilies. i just love them. Ever grown a lotus?.

    First pic is just out of this world. note that there are few tropical water lilies which are night-bloomers, none i could get though.

  20. Muhammad, I like lotus too but I haven't been able to get a seedling yet. Lotus is very very beautiful.


Words are like the voice of the heart... Confucius

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