Count Your Blessings!

With love and passion, everyone can have a nice garden...Elaine Yim

Count Your Blessings!
Count The Garden By The Flowers, Never By The Leaves That Fall.
Count Your Life With Smiles And Not The Tears That Roll.
..... Author unknown.

Knowing me, Knowing you..... Aha.....!

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Malaysian Flora USDA Zone 11
Welcome to our exotic world of everlasting summers and tropical rainforests!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Putrajaya Floria 2012 - Orchids and Caladiums

1. Phal. I-Hsin Dalmatian
Phalaenopsis I-Hsin Dalmatian

2. Caladium Cosmic Flare

Caladium Cosmic Flare

3. Onc. Green Valley Honey 'Sweet Lady'
Oncidium Green Valley Honey 'Sweet Lady'

Caladium Sweetheart

Phalaenopsis Dpts. 1-Hsin Waltz

6. Caladium Empress
Caladium Empress

7. Oncidium Btcm. Hwuluduen Chameleon
Oncidium Btcm. Hwuluduen Chameleon

8. Caladium The Joker
Caladium The Joker

9. Odontocidium Wildcat 

Odontocidium Wildcat

10. Phal. Baldan's Kaleidoscope
Phalaenopsis Baldan's Kaleidoscope

11. Phal Baldan's Kaleidoscope
The exhibitor has beautifully combined caladiums with orchids in a tropical garden theme.
Coloured foliage with exotic flowers!

12. Odontocidium Wildcat 'Rainbow'
Odontocidium Wildcat 'Rainbow'

Which one is your favourite?

“Floria 2012-Orchids and Caladiums”, a copyrighted post, was written for My Nice Garden blog by Autumn Belle @ on 3rd July 2012.

13. Top - Hanging oncidiums


  1. Beautiful photos. That first one is really fantastic.

    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. They are all beautiful, special orchids - thank you for sharing

  3. Wszystkie są piękne, a ten pierwszy stoi na parapecie mojego okna. Pozdrawiam.
    All are beautiful, and the first standing on my window sill. Yours.

  4. Kalaeidoscope, for its bright, cheerful colour and large-ish petals. :-)

  5. The plants look awesome! I have the caladium cosmic flare! Now I knw the name! hahhaha...

  6. All of it is so beautiful but the I-Hsin Dalmation caught my eye and I cannot help it but see this first before anything.
    How was Floria this year? Was it much better than the previous ones?

    1. Actually I prefer last year's Roses! They didn't get ready the printed program/brochures on opening day and many of the bougainvillea plants don't have flowers, even in the competition area where the plants look quite bare. I expected all the bougainvilleas to be in full bloom. Hope things get better as it progresses.

  7. Cantik ! tapi tak ada Bougainvillea, thema tahun ini !
    Nice clicks !

    1. Memang ada banyak pokok bunga kertas. Cuma belum masuk blog MNG lagi, - coming soon! ^_^

  8. Even if I am more of an orchid person, I am not so impressed with those orchids, i prefer the caladiums. Are they bred in Malaysia or Thailand? However, by their looks the variegation might segregate and revert to the original colors of the parent. I don't know, just a hunch. That first orchid might be 'Dalmatian' not dalmation, hehe. It looks like dalmatian!

    1. I too am an orchid person' who has fallen in love with caladiums. Regarding the caladiums, I have no idea where they came from. Thank you very much for correcting my spelling error. Actually I was thinking of you when I was typing out the word "dalmation" earlier. I was thinking about this in my mind and wondering if you can spot any typo mistakes in this post! Haha, you are very observant indeed ^_~

  9. Thanks for sharing this Autumn Belle, fantastic photos!

  10. Gorgeous flowers and plants.

  11. Loved the orchids...I missed this exhibit that day. Now there is an excuse to go a second time, hehe.


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