Count Your Blessings!

With love and passion, everyone can have a nice garden...Elaine Yim

Count Your Blessings!
Count The Garden By The Flowers, Never By The Leaves That Fall.
Count Your Life With Smiles And Not The Tears That Roll.
..... Author unknown.

Knowing me, Knowing you..... Aha.....!

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Malaysian Flora USDA Zone 11
Welcome to our exotic world of everlasting summers and tropical rainforests!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Hibiscus tilaceus dwarf - A Beach Hibiscus with Colour Changing Flowers

During my visit to The Hibiscus Garden of Kuala Lumpur last month, I have come across a dwarf variety of the Hibiscus tilaceus. What I like about this plant is the changing colours of the flowers and the compact size that can fit into our small gardens.

Last year I have posted about the Hibiscus tilaceus that grows to a small tree at the rooftop Secret Garden of 1-Utama here.

This month-end of August is special because in Malaysia, we are having a double celebration of our Independence Day and also Hari Raya or Eid-ul-Fitr. Hence, I shall be posting about the Hibiscus family of plants for Aug 2011. I think this is most appropriate because the common name for Hibiscus is "Bunga Raya" in Malay, our national language. It means "Big, Grand" and "Celebration".

Hibiscus tilaceus dwarf - A Beach Hibiscus with Colour Changing Flowers”, a copyrighted post, was written for My Nice Garden blog by Autumn Belle @ on August 6th, 2011.

A cricket?

Scientific name: Hibiscus tilaceus

Common names: Sea Hibiscus, Beach Hibiscus, Coast Hibiscus, Sea Rosemallow,
Cottonwood Hibiscus, Native Hibiscus, Native Rosella, Norfolk Hibiscus
Hau (Hawaiian) and Purau (Tahitian) 

Origin: Coast of Western Pacific and Indian oceans
Photograph taken at: The Hibiscus Garden Kuala Lumpur

Updated: 30 Aug 2012
The insect above is a Katydid - thanks to information provided by Star Leaf.

In the morning, the flower opens yellow with a dark maroon eye. As it gets warmer later in the day, it changes colour to a dull orange.

The flowers last only a day but because they open at different timing, you may be able to see all three colours on the same tree the same day.

By afternoon, it is finally changes to a dark red colour.

The leaves are heart-shaped and dark green in colour.
Foliage is dense.
The stems are weak and tend to bend.
The flowers look like okra flowers.

Here at the Hibiscus Garden of Kuala Lumpur, they have grown it into a compact bush as a border plant. I'm sure you can also grow in as a specimen tree or in a container. Normally, H. tilaceus can grow into a 10m tall small tree but this dwarf variety is no more than 1m tall.

Grow in full sun in sandy but moist soil. Propagation is by seeds and cuttings.
Would you like to grow it in your garden?

In conjunction with Bom's birthday celebration in July 2011, he is holding a contest closing date today, the link is here. His blog, Plant Chaser turns 1 tomorrow, August 7th, 2011.

This is also my entry for Today Flowers, the link is here.

Happy Birthday and Happy Blog Anniversary!
May you have many many more happy memories and memorable moments, and
May all your dreams come true.


  1. Wow Autumn Belle, i haven't seen it! I am very much interested to have this plant, even if i can see they are more vegetative than flowering. I will barter an Epiphyllum oxypetallum for this Hibiscus tiliaceus, DEAL? The problem is how can we do that. I hope i can go to KL in 2012 for the International Postharvest Symposium, the convenor is my good friend. Phoebe and my longtime friend UKM Dean is in the organizing committee also. Wow, something to hope for.

    Many flowers change color on the way to dehiscense. Usually then change to purple as other carotenoids are destroyed giving way to the unmasking of anthocyanins, colored purple. Just some tips for the garden enthusiasts, hehe!

  2. Well I'm drooling over this beauty. What fantastic flowers. I just adore the colours and the beautiful change in colour. I haven't seen this Hibiscus before, but I'm definitely on the lookout for it now. Thanks for sharing this gorgeous shrub.

  3. What a beauty! And so versatile too!

  4. *Applause!*

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >

  5. What more can I say just as expected ..loving all your awesome pixz.

  6. Andrea, I really look forward to seeing you 'live', hehe!

    Bernie, I'm on the lookout for this too.

    Lotusleaf, Cloudia, Bananaz, thanks!

  7. What an amazing plant! Different flower colors in just one day. This is like the chameleon of the plant kingdom.Thanks for this post Autumn Belle and I am so happy that you beat the deadline.

  8. What a beautiful hibiscus, I love the fact that it changes colors. I would love to have one in my garden, I will have to check the local nurseries.

    Thanks for sharing.

  9. this is a beautiful specie of hibiscus. i've never seen it around here. the colors are very pretty, too.

  10. Really pretty hibiscus! At a glance, they look similar to the flowers of the okra plant!
    Have a lovely Sunday, Autumn Belle!

  11. These flowers are pretty... didn't know there is a Hibiscus Garden in KL...

  12. Very unique colors and the petal pattern.

  13. I'm sure that would grow here I want it sandy

  14. Pretty flowers.

    Hope you'd find time to visit me here.

  15. These are spectacular and just got added to my "I WANT" list!! Hibiscus do well in my garden, but i've never seen dwarf variety here at the nurseries. If I ever do, they are coming home with me ... LOVELY!!

  16. All your photos are spectacular. A very special flower indeed. The little insect on the one is very pretty too. Thank you and I wish you two very happy celebrations for your Independence Day and Hari Raya.

  17. Smukke blomster.
    Tak for kigget

  18. Beautiful flowers, your Hibiscus. I just got back from Mallorca and there they had big Hibiscus, just love them. But they don't like me. Many people keep them in pots inside with success, by me, no chance. Still, i can't resist them and try again and again..
    Have a nice week :)

  19. Haven't noticed these in the garden centres here, have you? Quite interesting. I would love to have a bush.Good shots, AB.

  20. I love the fact the flowers change colour. Very nice post for Bom.

  21. These are so beautiful. When I have visited tropical climates, it is so wonderful to see beds of hibiscus. Where I have one or two in pots, I have seen these in high numbers in landscapes. They make such a nice addition to a flower bed.

  22. Such a beautiful Hibiscus! Very unique too!

  23. I love BOM's blog too. You both are amazing bloggers and great green thumbs. I always marvel at your beautiful flowers, and photos you share. Flowers that turn two colors are like two for the price of one. Awesome!

  24. Amazing flowers and fantastic captures, A.Belle! I've never seen this beauty before. Reminds me of the Hibiscus mutabilis (Confederate Rose) that does the colour-changing act too.

  25. I love the form of this simple beauty.

  26. I'm a ready buyer for this hibiscus too.

    Rosey, the flowers come in 3 colours!

    Jacqueline, Hibiscus mutabilis coming soon to MNG blog.


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