Count Your Blessings!

With love and passion, everyone can have a nice garden...Elaine Yim

Count Your Blessings!
Count The Garden By The Flowers, Never By The Leaves That Fall.
Count Your Life With Smiles And Not The Tears That Roll.
..... Author unknown.

Knowing me, Knowing you..... Aha.....!

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Malaysian Flora USDA Zone 11
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Grasshoppers Mating PG13

“Wordless Wednesday - Grasshoppers Mating PG13”, a copyrighted post, was written for My Nice Garden blog by Autumn Belle @ on September 29th, 2010.

This is my entry for Wordless Wednesday, the link is here.
For the Hot, The Loud and The Proud No. 7, please visit A Plant Fanatic in Hawaii blog.
For this week's Fertilizer Friday, visit Tootsie at Tootsie Time here.

1. Thanks to Orchid de Dangau's comment for the following information:
The grasshopper is called "belalang kunyit" in Malay, meaning 'turmeric grasshoppers'. The scientific name is Valanga nigricornis (Burmeister or Javanese grasshopper), from the Family: Acrididae. These grasshoppers are regarded as agriculture pests. They can also be grilled/roasted and eaten as they are high in proteins.

2. Andrea of Andrea In This Lifetime blog is posting exotic hibiscus with unusual colours and a pair of mating blue butterflies. Her post link is here.

3. MNG BREAKING NEWS! A bugs wedding ceremony is being held at the Onenezz's Garden. All are invited to One's blog, please click on the link here.

Kanak of Terra Farmer blog is posting a pair of mating butterflies here.


  1. Wonderful photos Autumnbelle of the two little luv bugs.

  2. Maybe they were having a rendezvous on my hibiscus plant. I saw them from 1pm and in the late evening they were still there, position unchanged. By next morning, they were gone but they left behing many clues and a mess for me to clean up. I expected an invasion of baby grasshoppers soon after but there was none.

    I notice that the male is smaller than the female.

    It happened one year ago. I hessitated to post this as I'm not sure if it is ok to do so. It was a learning experience for me and I didn't know that such 'bug affairs' take so long. More revealing pictures have been left out ;-)

  3. They picked a beautiful romantic spot on your hibiscus.

  4. Autumn Belle, You have a fertile garden indeed. Bangchik has shown such 'intimacy'. If it's ok for him, we shouldn't have a problem... I figure. :) Anyway, I really think those are great shots. How often do we get to see this part of nature?

  5. Nice pic.

    Not sure what's the scientific name, our 'kampung' language we call this 'belalang kunyit'.
    My childhood in 'kampung' we eat this as a snack. We burn it on fire for a few minutes, just like 'ikan bakar'. The taste is good...
    But now, it's very difficult to get this, even in paddy field, because nowadays the farmer used a lot of insecticide.

  6. wow, just beautiful!

  7. Beautiful flower and great captures! Happy WW!

  8. The grasshoppers found that your garden is so romantic place! Nice shot!

  9. That was quite a find, and well photographed. The flower is nice, too.

  10. Poor flower, lucky grasshoppers. :)

  11. Is that a Hibiscus Schzapetalus (sp) by chance?? Great pics!

    Mine is up as well at WW Pests, Pets and Petals!

    Have a great WW!

  12. I was thinking that the title must refer to the name of that beautiful flower, and then those pictures got saucy! LOL

    Happy WW!

  13. wow now that is upclose and personal hahaha

  14. Love in bloom ... I had no clue! Stunning hibiscus.

  15. Good for you, i haven't seen the grasshoppers in that pose despite the so many species i've seen doing that! This is informative as most of the insects only takes a few minutes, that is incredibly long. But your photos are splendid, especially the first for the hibiscus. Awesome!

  16. AutumnBelle

    I forgot to ask you this yesterday but on my bromeliad post you mentioned that you had written one aswell and that you used chopped pieces of peel. I think I vaguely remember this post but I would love to place a link to your article on that blog post of mine. Would you mind sending me the link.

    Kindest regards

  17. Beautiful shots! The beauty of nature
    as it should be! Thanks for sharing this.

  18. Hi, everyone. Thank you very much for the visit and nice comments. The couple looked blissful don't they?

    Aussie Pomm, the hibiscus is Hibiscus rosa-sinensis "Brilliant Red", the national flower of Malaysia.

    Orchid de dangau, thank you very much for the interesting info which I will update in my post.

  19. Autumn Belle, I found an orphan grasshopper looking for its parents on my hibiscus plant. I have put a link in my latest post so that the grasshopper can find its parents.

  20. Autumn Belle, Sorry. The url should be

  21. aloha,

    really fascinating photos on these guys, i feel like a voyeur :)

  22. It is funny how we are all so fascinated by the mating of insects and love to record their intimate encounters. I hope there is not some large creature eyeing our privacy this way! ;>)) Great shots Autumn Belle!

  23. Beautiful creatures. When they are at it, nothing else matters not even onlookers and camera clicks. ~bangchik

  24. Biodiversity is alive and well in your garden. Gorgeous.

  25. I too have a fair share of such intimate activities in my garden and have also photo shot them. They are so blatant about it and take forever to accomplish the task.

  26. Mama grasshopper telling papa grasshopper ~ "how about naming our offspring grassbiscus"..haha. Beautiful red hibiscus flower..awesome shot of the greatest lovers..

  27. I think a lot of sex goes on in the garden right under our nose that we never see!
    Great capture of the two grasshoppers and the flowers have vibrant colours.

  28. VERY interesting! My grandkids are really into bugs right now and would love these photos. Thank you :)

  29. Afternoon Delight :) Great shots of the love bugs and beautiful hibiscus

  30. Fantastic photography! The things that go on unnoticed by gardeners in their own gardens would surprise all of us. Now I will be more observant, thank you!

  31. Hi,Autumn Belle,

    Your photos of grasshopper are beautiful. They seem mating.

    I've been trying to ward off bugs such as young worms which feed on my vegetables.

  32. Never seen mating grasshoppers before - very fascinating photos! And they sure picked a beautiful 'bed' - love the red hibiscus!

  33. oh, and you didn't leave them with some privacy?!

  34. Autumn Belle, thanks for putting my link here, however i noticed nobody went to mine via this route, hehe. Only those whom i visited returned the visit. At any rate, we totally enjoyed this networking with One also! By the way, how did you know which is the female and the male there? You seem to have been watching them for a long time!

  35. Hi, everyone. Thank you very much for the visit and nice comments. There is something so pure and innocent about these wildlife. I'm so glad that there are still many of us home gardeners who do not use harmful pesticides to kill them off.

    One, Mr and Mrs Grasshopper wishes to thank you for taking care of their baby in your garden.

    Ayie, the photo session took only a few min., then they are left alone. They seem to give me a smile and they looked right into my camera.

    Andrea, regarding male or female, actually I just assume without any scientific knowledge. Yes, it's been fun linking to each other like this.

    Maybe our kids can learn more about the birds and the bees from this couple?

  36. fascinating!

    I'm usually fascinated but hate seeing mating insects b/c that means hundreds more will follow!

  37. Beautiful hibiscus Autumn Belle..and a scandalous affair you have there! Very amusing..What a great shot!

  38. excellent captures and great timing.

  39. Dear Autumn Belle, thanks for the link! You're a sweetheart! And I love the way you've shown the blooms with the lovebugs in between;) Amazing photography!

  40. Like always,
    your pics are beautiful......the flower colors are intense:)

  41. Beautiful photos!


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