Count Your Blessings!

With love and passion, everyone can have a nice garden...Elaine Yim

Count Your Blessings!
Count The Garden By The Flowers, Never By The Leaves That Fall.
Count Your Life With Smiles And Not The Tears That Roll.
..... Author unknown.

Knowing me, Knowing you..... Aha.....!

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Malaysian Flora USDA Zone 11
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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Datura metel - Wordless Wednesday




Family: Solanaceae (nightshade family)
Botanical name: Datura metel
Common name: Angel's trumpet, devil's trumpet, downy horn of plenty, Jimpson weed,
Photographs taken by Autumn Belle at The Secret Garden of 1-Utama
Grateful thanks to Dr. Francis Ng of The Secret Garden of 1-Utama.

To participate or view other Wordless Wednesday posts, please click here.

This post is dedicated to Ms Tatyana from USA, of MySecretGarden, the first commenter of my previous post, "Happy New Year, My Valentine." Her blog is filled with beautiful pictures and creative posts, sometimes I cry along with her very touching posts, at other times, I LOL at the humorous ones.

Post publication updates - Related Posts:
1. Floridagirl of Peace In The Valley in her post dated - "You Planted What ???!!!"

Her message: If you are growing the Angel's Trumpet, it is highly toxic, contains hallucinogens, and has caused death in rare instances. Keep children away from this plant!

2. This link is provided by Andrea - Westcost Island Gardener of Welcome to the Garden Brae blog, in her post titled, "The Infamouse Datura: The Plant of Zombies and Angels".


  1. Such a lovely color, simply beautiful.
    Sunny :)

  2. That is so beautiful!! When we lived in New Mexico, we had datura plants in our back yard - they were so gorgeous and the flowers smelled heavenly!! Hugs, Silke

  3. I love this flower. This Angel's Trumpet looks a little better than the regular ones.

  4. I think they are so pretty and I grow the Black Current one. I just cannot stand the smell though LOL! But they are so pretty I have to grow them anyway.

  5. Gorgeous. I especially like that first shot.

  6. I think this is one of the world's most beautiful flowers! Check out an earlier post of mine on my misgivings about planting this very specimen in my garden:

  7. Very beautiful.

    And the more I see, the more my new year mood will be over.

    Back to normal life now.

    But still, happy new year.

  8. Wow Autumn Belle, i did not know that there is a violet Datura! I would love to plant it in my Mother's Garden. Our neighbor has the beige-orange (i have the photo) and i already saw the white somewhere, but definitely i like to plant the purple. I don't mind it being poisonous. Your photos are also very well done.

  9. Very exotic looking plant, somehow the reputation concerning its poison really scare me when I read one of the gardener's blog about datura's.
    Make sure none of the children play "masak-masak" with them. They are deadly.

  10. Sorry AB, i have a follow-up since i was intrigued by your violet Datura, searching it led me to this, amused me a lot.

  11. These are very lovely, Autumn! I'm sorry to have been slow in coming back to visit. Real life has been intruding and has had to come before reading blogs, much as I'd like to just read all day long. Belated happy Valentine's to you.

  12. I've only seen white! How lovely purple!

  13. Hi, everyone. Thank you very much for the interesting and informative comments and related post links. I learnt a lot today. Like what James Missier said before, this plant is indeed, "Drop Dead Gorgeous".

    To Jodi, thank you very much for the visit and Valentine wishes despite your busy schedule. Yes, we need to put real life matters first, before we have time for blogging. I face the same predicament too. I am very sorry I've been lagging behind in my blog visits and commenting too. I really treasure each and every comment I receive here.

    Thank you very much for everyone's kind understanding.

  14. I love its color and fragrance as well. I got some seeds of datura metel from chiltern seeds Uk but will sow them as soon as weather warms up. I hope they will be perennial in my area. Your post reminded me the seeds should be ready to be sown.

  15. The flower is beautiful and I can almost smell the freshness and fragrance. You are commenting in my blog about Blotanical being off for the past few days, yeah it seems they are changing it to new site and do some data migration.

    Cheers, Selamat Tahun Baru.

  16. This bloom really looks like metal. It is nice to see this kind of plant at Secret Garden and here in your blog as well. Have fun photographing flowers and happy blogging!

    Btw, it is ok to like my blog to your earlier post ;-)

  17. Hi, Thx for stopping By Autumn Belle.
    The flower looks quite pretty :):)Its the first of its kind I have seen.

    PS: Even I am unable to access the Site Blotanicals, since the last few days... Wonder what could have gone wrong???

  18. Gorgeous colour and great pictures of the datura.

  19. Those Angel's trumpets are lovely, like your colour. I had one a few years back but only yesterday learned it was full of poison, Lucky me there were no harm done to my kids.. But beautiful flowers in dead :)

  20. Muhammad, good luck in your seed sowing of this beauty.

    Bangchik, thank you for visiting and new year wishes. So happy to know that Blotanical doing some improvement work.

    Radhika, oh, your area is affected too with regards to Blotanical.

    Keats, thank you for your sunshine words.

    Mia, yeah, what a relief to know that luckily the kids were not affected. Now that we know that it is poisonous, we know what precautions to take. For that I am really thankful.

  21. Autumn Belle, What a beautiful flower. I always love your photographic technique of starting with the spectacular macro shot and then backing away so that we get more and more context. -Jean

  22. So nice love them all. Also love the water droplets. Cool tQ

  23. I love this plant but never seen it in this colour before. I won't grow it in my own garden due to the risks but I have to tend it in my work and I always wear gloves when working with the plant.

  24. Wow, that color contrast with the water droplets is just stunning. Beautiful photos Autumn.


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