Count Your Blessings!

With love and passion, everyone can have a nice garden...Elaine Yim

Count Your Blessings!
Count The Garden By The Flowers, Never By The Leaves That Fall.
Count Your Life With Smiles And Not The Tears That Roll.
..... Author unknown.

Knowing me, Knowing you..... Aha.....!

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Malaysian Flora USDA Zone 11
Welcome to our exotic world of everlasting summers and tropical rainforests!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thank You Blotanists And Blotanical !


I would like to say thank you very much to readers of my blog, "My Nice Garden" for nominating me and my blog for the following 2009 Blotanical Awards categories:

1. Best Native Plants Blog

2. Best Asian Blog

3. Best Commenter Award

I am indeed greatly honoured to have made it to the top 5 finalist and for this I am very grateful to all blotanists who have nominated me. I wish to thank Mr Stuart and his team for doing all the hard work so that we can enjoy the benefits.

Before I end this post, I wish to add this. Actually my favourite topic is Native Plants. I guess I have just 'scrapped through' and made it to the final, maybe I almost didn't make it. If you wish to know what I have already written under native plants, please click on the label "native plants" under archive by label in the sidebar or you may also do a search on the top side bar. If you have any suggestions on how I can improve in this category or other examples you wish to know about South East Asia / Malaysia's native plants, do let me know.

Being an Asian blogger, I am indeed honoured to be selected to the finals.

Regarding best commenter award, I have never expected to make it. So this is a pleasant surprise and great encouragement for me.

Finally, to those who have made it to the finals, this is what I wish to say:


With warmest regards,
Autumn Belle


  1. I really want to say Congratulation to you Belle, but on the second thought, the local word may just sound better ... TAHNIAH!

    About native plants, you may like to know more about a herb "daun sekentut" ..... haha, it doesn't sound very pleasing, but just ask any elderly malay lady, she will tell you... Good Luck!


  2. Congrats Autumn Belle! Well done. Such a good blog deserves some rewards ;-) Happy blogging and gardening!

  3. Congratulations, Autumn Belle! I'm really thrilled for you. You have such a nice, easy style of writing. No wonder everyone likes your posts.

  4. congrats!!! you really deserved it. best of luck with the final. i already knew your blog will be in the finals.

  5. Congrats on the nominations, Autumn Belle. I love going through your detailed on! All the best!

  6. Very well deserved, Autumn Belle and all the best luck to you. I love learning about the plants from your area and you do a fantastic job of teaching us about them. :-)

  7. Congratulations, Autumnbelle. Your blog is very deserving of the nominations and thank you for all that you do.

  8. Congrats girl chile you are one of my favorites and I expect that you will bring an award home!

  9. Congratulations Autumn Belle, you are very deserving of this nomination and I wish you the best of luck!

  10. Congratulations to you. The nominations are well-deserved.

  11. Yahoo! That is absolutely wonderful! I'm so happy for you. Good luck!

  12. My dear friends, thank you very much for stopping by my blog to congratulate me and wish me good luck. I really appreciate all your kind words and encouragement. Getting nominated to top 5 is indeed my best blogging anniversary gift since joining Blotanical 3 months ago. With 47 followers, 60 posts and more than 8,000 hits, this will be my first milestone. Happy Blogging, Blotanists and Blotanical!

  13. Congratulations to you, Autumn Belle!!!!!!!!!

  14. Congratulations Belle! You really deserve it in all your hard work in organising the blog and your wonderful garden.

  15. Tatyana, James. Thank you so much for the encouragement. I appreciate it very much.

  16. I can see why you've been nominated for so many awards! Your posts and photographs are just amazing - so great to find your blog from so far, far away (I'm in California)...I look forward to reading more from you...

  17. Rebecca, thank you for the compliments. That's so sweet of you and I look forward to see you again.


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