Count Your Blessings!

With love and passion, everyone can have a nice garden...Elaine Yim

Count Your Blessings!
Count The Garden By The Flowers, Never By The Leaves That Fall.
Count Your Life With Smiles And Not The Tears That Roll.
..... Author unknown.

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Malaysian Flora USDA Zone 11
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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Rosa 'Chaldogro' - Have you heard of this rose?

The plant label at Floria 2011 says that the rose variety is Rosa 'Chaldogro' but I am unable to find any information about it on the internet. A Google search came out with zero results.

Have you heard of this rose?

“Rossa 'Chaldogro' - Have you heard of this rose? ”, a copyrighted post, was written for My Nice Garden blog by Autumn Belle @ on December 3rd, 2011.


  1. Epsom salt 
    • For extra blooms and more intense colour, feed your rose plants with one teaspoon per foot of height. For mature plants, sprinkle half a cup at the base.
  2. Freshly cut roses
    • Add a little antiseptic mouthwash to the water. It will make cut flowers last longer. 
  3. Solar Power
    • Your rose shrubs should get at least 5 - 6 hours sunshine every day.
  4. Watering technique
    • Avoid water on the leaves but the roots should get a good soak. 
    • Water on the leaves will promote black spot disease and powdery mildew
    • Use a small soaker hose to form a ring / loop at the base of the plant
  5. Pruning
    • For your protection, use
      • a pair of barbecue tongs to hold the branches before you cut them off. 
      • a pair of long leather or goatskin gloves
    • Proper pruning tools
      • curved bypass shears are better than anvil shears
      • use lopping shears or pruning saw to cut/saw off the thicker branches.
Source: 1,001 Gardening Secrets The Experts Never Tell You, 2004 edition by Frank W. Cawood and Associates, Inc. 


  1. Beautiful flower ...
    Greeting Karin

  2. I'm afraid I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to Roses, so I can't help with an ID. It is a very pretty pink though. Thanks for the tip about putting mouthwash into the water when keeping Roses in a vase. I hadn't heard of that before.

  3. Karin, thanks!

    Bernie, under natural lighting, the rose colour is lavender pink. The mouthwash tip is a surprise to me too!

  4. There's so many Roses out there that I only remember the names of very few of them.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  5. I'll try to find it in my Rose books and let you know :)

  6. I hadn't heard of that Rose, but it is a beauty! I love the sweet pink color! Thanks for the tips on caring for Roses, too.

  7. Nope! No idea at all. Got nice green tips sorry Bananaz got yellow fingers wait till they turned green haha.

  8. Another postharvest tip to lengthen vaselife: If you bought a cutflower from storage, cut an inch at the base before putting it in water; put a few drops of disinfectant at the water; mix a teaspoon of sugar.

  9. A rose says a thousand words about love, although its identity is unknown.

  10. Nope, not yet... but the pink shade is very pretty...

  11. I am enjoying your rose blooms this morning. How pretty. Thanks for all of the great tips too.

  12. Barbeque tongs! I never heard of that, but may start using that tip! Those thorns can get nasty!

  13. Good tips, Autumn Belle; we always add epsom salt to the soil when we plant, but I forget to give them occasional does. Thanks for the reminder.

  14. First time to hear of this rose. I agree with everyone that it is very lovely.

  15. It looks similiar to the Therese Bugnet (spelling probably wrong) that I grow. Mine gets plagued by little beetles, right when it is blooming, EVERY year. They must be tasty roses.
    Such a beautiful rose!
    Thanks for stopping by.


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