Count Your Blessings!

With love and passion, everyone can have a nice garden...Elaine Yim

Count Your Blessings!
Count The Garden By The Flowers, Never By The Leaves That Fall.
Count Your Life With Smiles And Not The Tears That Roll.
..... Author unknown.

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Malaysian Flora USDA Zone 11
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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Bronze Banana Named Musa laterita Cheeseman - Wordless Wednesday

“A bronze banana named Musa laterita Cheeseman - Wordless Wednesday”, a copyrighted post, was written for My Nice Garden blog by Autumn Belle @ on April 6th, 2011.

Scientific name: Musa laterita Cheeseman
Common name: Bronze banana

Family: Musaceae
Category: Ornamental banana
Origin: Northeastern India, Indochina (Myanmar, Thailand)
Photo taken at: Floria 2010.

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  1. Wow! I never knew a banana plant could have such a gorgeous bloom! Your photos were so beautiful!

  2. Beautiful banana - I still can't figure out why banana is classed as a herb ?

  3. Beautiful ornamental banana. Are the fruits and heart edible too?

  4. The Sage Butterfly, Yes! Ornamental bananas like this one has beautiful blooms and they are many varieties/species to choose from. In Malaysia, I have seen people growing this species in their home gardens and also by the ditches.

    b-a-g, the banana 'trunk' is actually made up of leaf stalks wrapped around each other. It is not woody, hence a banana is not a tree. We usually say 'banana tree' but technically it should be 'banana plant'.

    Solitude rising, the fruits and flowers are not commonly eaten since they look too pretty on the plant. Anyway the fruits may have more seeds than flesh, hence will not taste as good as the plantains.

  5. Musa laterita has bronze and salmon red flowers. My pictures look like the salmon-red variety.

    Musa laterita flowers easily and produce offsets quite readily. The stems are slender and can reach a height of 1-1.5m (3-5ft). Leaves are upright and do not spread. Notice that the fruits and blooms are upright unlike the common banana whose fruits and blooms droop down.

  6. I guess your warm weather contriutes a lot to this beautiful belle. My garden is stillk sleeping.

  7. What a powerful-looking plant! Bloom is awesome!

  8. A banana a day keeps the pressure away.

    So I eat banana everyday.

  9. For some insane reason I never thought about banana plants flowering. That one is magnificent. Any fragrance to it?

  10. What an interesting post! Beautiful flower! Does it have a scent? Does it attract pollinators? I am fascinated!

  11. What a treat to have bananas on the stalk! Bananas grow here but they die back in winter and you never get fruit except in a greenhouse.

  12. Wow, that is simply spectacular! I'd grow that in my garden, too, if I lived in Malaysia. Dramatic color, structure, and presence!

  13. Now you seem to be into bananas! I remember to have posted an ornamental banana before but forgot the Sci name now. Your photo seem to be big, then seeing the whole plant it is actually small. Looks like it fruits too, so maybe good for making vinegar.

  14. AB, What comes to mind is, 'Bigger than a banana. Fairer than a banana. Must be a banana.' (The current version.) :)

  15. Thank you for your funny captions. I've put a link to your blog in my current post;

  16. Yummmm! I so badly want to taste those flowers. Yes, we cook banana flowers too!

  17. Banana? Can eat? So weird looking..

  18. Wow wow wow this April month would be the month of bananas...with your yellow dwarf Chinese banana and now bronze banana..awesome pixz you've got. May I with your kind permission group them all up for Bananaz's next headmast? tQ in advance.

  19. When I look at the jantung pisang, I crave some ulam...then when I saw the banana , I wonder how it taste like. Look so edible though.

  20. It's beautiful! Thanks for sharing the photos, AB.

  21. Hello Autumn Belle,
    I am always amazed at the tropical beauties you teach me about on your blog. Beautiful banana blossom!

  22. Wow how gorgeous is that? Amazing to look at.

  23. Beautiful banana flowers! Are they edible? Do they produce banana?

  24. This plant look so small like a heliconia. I wonder whether the sunbirds comes for the nectar.

  25. Hi, friends, this is a common ornamental banana that people grow here. I have even seen them planted by the ditches. The colour is very sweet.

  26. i first saw this type of banana beside a pool of my friends house at desa idaman residence at puchong...i wonder if you have the "MUSA VELUTINA" or pink bananas as they call it (not sure if it can be plant in Malaysia)...nice blog AB, keep it up..

    1. Gadafi, thank you for the nice words! I don't have Musa velutina for sale but the link to my post about this banana plant is here:


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