Count Your Blessings!

With love and passion, everyone can have a nice garden...Elaine Yim

Count Your Blessings!
Count The Garden By The Flowers, Never By The Leaves That Fall.
Count Your Life With Smiles And Not The Tears That Roll.
..... Author unknown.

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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Fraser's Hill Town Centre - Part 2


Fraser's Hill is one of 6 major Hill Stations in Malaysia. The other 5 are Genting Highlands (1,800m), Bukit Tinggi and Cameron Highlands (1,000m) in Pahang state; Penang Hill (833m) in Penang and Maxwell Hill aka Bukit Larut (1,250m) in Perak state. Fraser's Hill actually comprises 7 hills along the Titiwangsa (Main) Range of mountains in Peninsular Malaysia and it straddles on the Selangor-Pahang border. The summit of Fraser's Hill at 1,500m (5,000ft) above sea level falls within Pahang state while access to Fraser's Hill is only possible via The Gap which is part of Selangor.

A hill station as defined by Wikipedia is "a town located at a higher elevation than the nearby plain or valley. The term was used mostly in colonial Asia (particularly India), but also in Africa (albeit rarely), for towns founded by European colonial rulers as refuges from the summer heat, up where temperatures are cooler".

The temperature at Fraser's Hill hovers between 16-24C which is about 10 degrees lower than our warm and humid Kuala Lumpur. The land of cool morning mists and gentle afternoon breezes, this dainty little hamlet is populated by only about a thousand people.


This is a picture of the famous Clock Tower of Fraser's Hill which has been here for ages! The wall is covered with creeping fig (Ficus pumila) plants and in the circle down below, there are New Guinea Impatiens (Impatiens hawkeri) flowers blooming in a variety of colours .

Here's a place where time stands still. Staring at the present scene is like a travel back in time to almost a century ago during our British colonial days. I could almost hear the clatter of hooves of horse-drawn carriages of days gone by.


Fraser's Hill is named after a Scotsman, Louis James Fraser who came to Raub town in Pahang state of Malaysia in search of gold in the late 19th century. But instead he found tin ore near the upper ridges of the Titiwangsa Mountain Range. He built a home and operated a tin trading business on this hill for many years. One fine day in the late 1880s, he mysteriously disappeared. Even the tin mine was deserted.

Later in 1917 when CJ Ferguson-Davis, the Bishop of Singapore and Rev. AB Champion went to the Gap for a short holiday, they discovered that Fraser's Hill which was within 5  miles (8 km) of the Gap was very suitable as a hill station for government servants to go to for retreat and relaxation. So the hill was developed into a resort with bungalows, holiday and private homes. The place became even more popular during the days of World War II (1939-1945) when many expatriates were unable to go back home to England. The Tudor architecture of the buildings, the streets and the landscaped gardens were designed and maintained to look like those of the English countryside in their British homeland.

This old English charm has remained until today.


This is Puncak Inn, a budget hotel which is located right in the town centre. The information center for tourist information is located at the reception counter here. There are other alternative accomodation  choices:

1. Silverpark Hill Resort
2. Fraser's Pine Resort
3. Ye Olde Smokehouse
4. Shahzan Inn (formerly Merlin Inn)
5. Puncak Inn Bungalows rented out by various corporations


This is Pos Malaysia, the town's post office, a stone walled building with a small garden beside it. Notice the cobblestone walkway in front and the entrance pillars covered with creeping ivy plants.


The Police Station is housed in a Mock-Tudor style building constructed in 1919. During the same year, an access road was built from the Gap to Fraser's Hill. 

By 1922, the hill station was opened to visitors. There was 140 hectares of land over 50km of jungle paths.

In 1927, according to the "Handbook to British Malaya", Fraser's Hill was equipped with the following amenities: 9 government bungalows for government officials, 4 houses for ex-serviceman, 3 private homes, a country club and golf course, water supply and post office.


The FHGC - Fraser's Hill Golf and Country Club is formerly a tin mine.


Fraser's Hill attracts expatriates and nature enthusiasts who go there for nature walks, jungle-tracking, hiking, camping, golfing, horseback riding, bird watching, butterfly hunting or just pure relaxation.


Old English country styled homes with stone walls and white windows. Lovely Hippeastrum hybrid lilies bloom in stone planter boxes.

In the old days, mock-Tudor style houses and bungalows were built with timber frames and local limestones blocks. Roses, chrysanthemums and strawberries grew in well-tended gardens. Local eateries like The Tavern and Ye Olde Smokehouse served Devonshire tea. It was so reminiscent of rural England.


A Yphthima pandocus (Common Three Ring) butterfly resting on some cuphea groundcovers by the roadside.


A blooming Glory Princess (Tibouchina urvileana) bush. 

“Fraser's Hill Town Centre - Part 2”, a copyrighted post, was written for My Nice Garden blog by Autumn Belle @ on April 13th, 2013.


Scientific name: Justicia brandegeeana
Synonym: Beloperone guttata
Common Name: Mexican Shrimp Plant, Shrimpbush, False Hop, Brazilian Shower Plant

Family: Acanthaceae
Origin: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras


During my visit in March 2013, the Parks and Garden Project Team from Tourism Malaysia was doing upgrading works to spruce up the town. Flowering plants and shrubs that bloom in bright colours were planted. The street structures, signages and lightings were repaired or replaced. The theme is "Little England of the East" . The beautification work is being done along a 3km Y shape that starts from the town entrance to the Clock Tower, along the Clock Tower to the Fraser's Hill Development Corporation Office and also from the Clock Tower to Shahzan Inn.


There are more than 260 species of birds here.
The signage reads:
Important Bird Areas (IBAs) are sites of international importance for conserving birds and other biodiversity. All wildlife and plants are protected.


There are a number of established Nature Trails, some historical for guided jungle trekking.

I came across a group of students from Ireland doing research on the endemic Malaysian Giant Trapdoor spiders (Liphistius malayanus).

Fraser's Hill is a protected Forest Research and Wildlife Sanctuary. It is surrounded by Lower Montane Forest, commonly called Oak-Laurel Forest. The virgin forests here are rich in biodiversity, a fact recognised by HN Ridley since 1897. Subsequent sustainable development by the Malaysian and Pahang state governments had helped preserved the natural and pristine condition of the place.

There are 31 species of endemic plants here.

Endemic species are found only in a particular place and nowhere else in the world.


  1. I remember our family trip here when I was in primary school; and a vivid memory of the Clock Tower and those European Stone Houses. Thanks for bringing back memories. Never been there since then; it's 40 years.

  2. The picture of Puncak Inn brings back memories. Stayed there when it was an old run down place. The row in front of the car park was a food court, so it was easy to get food staying there. Love the scarlet red Amaryllis.

  3. To za daleko dla mnie, bo chętnie bym pojechała o pobyła trochę. Piekny zegar obrośniety bluszczem. Pozdrawiam.
    It's too far for me, because I would gladly stayed gone for a little bit. Beautiful clock overgrown with ivy. Yours.

  4. Wonderful photos. Always nice to take a tour.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  5. What a fascinating history. I find it interesting when folks try to change a place to make it more like home instead of enjoying the natural beauty. Those red benches are gorgeous.

  6. since we purchase 1.5 acre land there, me & my hubby tried to mk a trip there at least once a week. my 2 girls started to accept the quietness there and become one of their most fav place to rest. I do hope the government continue to monitor the development & not to spoil the hill like cameron highlands.

  7. This place looks very inviting! Wish I could just stop on over there for a pleasant weekend and a nice hike. What is the plant in #12?

  8. Wow, i learn a lot from these posts. So your hilly areas are distributed to different provinces, ours are mostly in the Cordillera region which is continuous mountain ranges. Other hilly areas are not as big and not as developed. Yours are by the British, ours are by Americans, but the long Spanish effects are everywhere, imagine 300 yrs of colonization by them compared to only 50 by the Americans!


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