Count Your Blessings!

With love and passion, everyone can have a nice garden...Elaine Yim

Count Your Blessings!
Count The Garden By The Flowers, Never By The Leaves That Fall.
Count Your Life With Smiles And Not The Tears That Roll.
..... Author unknown.

Knowing me, Knowing you..... Aha.....!

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Malaysian Flora USDA Zone 11
Welcome to our exotic world of everlasting summers and tropical rainforests!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Youtube video of My DIY Home Garden in Sept 2012

What I have for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - GBBD September 2012 is a 2 min. Youtube video of 29 photos of flowers blooming in my home garden in Malaysia. Hope this method will reduce the loading time of the pictures in my blog post. Do give me your feedback whether you prefer the pictures to appear one-by-one in my blog post or to view in a Youtube video.

Meanwhile, do enjoy the visit!

In my lineup are the following plants:
  1. Anthurium
  2. Sunkist ixora
  3. Pentas - pink
  4. Pentas - red
  5. Medinilla asteroides
  6. Sweet basil
  7. Rose begonia
  8. Green heart sunflowers 
  9. Common Lime butterfly
  10. Ixora fruit berries
  11. Phaleria macrocarpa - Mahkota Dewa (Crown of god). 
  12. Cat's Whiskers with purple flowers
  13. Clitoria ternatea - White Butterfly Pea
  14. Cosmos caudatus - Ulam Raja (King's salad)
  15. Rose - very scented pink flowers
  16. Stevia flowers
  17. Desert Rose - Adenium 'Santa Claus'
  18. Grasshopper on my sunflower bud
  19. Impatiens balsamina - Garden Balsam with orange-red flowers
  20. Malvaviscus arboreus
  21. Mirabilis jalapa - 4 o'clock flower (yellow)


  1. Photos is my preference. Your flowers are too beautiful for video viewing.

    1. Ash, The quality of the photos seem to diminish after loading to youtube.

      BTW,your new profile icon is very cute

    2. Oh dear... I hope you still have the original photos kept some where.
      The icon is from the movie Blu :-) love it so much !

  2. I prefer photos. It's nicer to look at pictures and quality is better. Maybe I'm oldfashioned...Awesome butterflies and that desertrose.

  3. Your adeniums are doing so well. I'm trying hard to get mine to bloom. I prefer the pictures rather than on youtube.


Words are like the voice of the heart... Confucius

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