Count Your Blessings!

With love and passion, everyone can have a nice garden...Elaine Yim

Count Your Blessings!
Count The Garden By The Flowers, Never By The Leaves That Fall.
Count Your Life With Smiles And Not The Tears That Roll.
..... Author unknown.

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Malaysian Flora USDA Zone 11
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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My Agapanthus, Lily of the Nile - Wordless Wednesday

Scientific name: Agapanthus praecox
Common name: Lily of the Nile, Blue Lily, African Lily
Family: Agapanthaceae
Native of: South Africa

“My Agapanthus, Lily of the Nile - Wordless Wednesday”, a copyrighted post, was written for My Nice Garden blog by Autumn Belle @ on August 11th, 2010.

To participate or view other Wordless Wednesday posts, please click here.


  1. Autumn Belle!!yay..another gorgeous post..such breathtaking beuaty..i have always wanted to grow this is truly inspiring me!

  2. Hi Autumn. They are just so beautiful. I love the shades of blue and the picture with the water drops is gorgeous.

  3. Dear Autumn Belle, I love Agapanthus. Your pictures are beautiful. I have two large pots of white agapanthus in my apartment in Budapest which I put out on my balcony in the summer. They simply love the mediterranean heat!!

  4. How lovely, Autumn Belle. I love Agapanthus but they are not hardy here so must use them in containers then bring them in.

  5. Beautiful shot of this Agaphanthus! I have two shade of blues of this plant, one is pale blue, another is same as yours. They are just gorgeous! Love them!

  6. What a gorgeous blue! Lovely photos, Autumn Belle. I think I've just found one more plant to put down on my must-buy list.

  7. Hi Autumn Belle - thank you so much for visiting and following my blog, and allowing me to discover yours. Your blog is full of beautiful pictures and I'm really looking forward to reading more about your garden! I love finding fellow gardeners from around the world. Right now, I'm growing mostly vegetables, but I get my flower fix from other more talented gardeners like yourself!

  8. beautiful blues!

  9. Beautiful photos. I love this shade of blue!

  10. LOL! Agapanthus are often planted at the end of driveways, so we play the "agapanthus game". Whoever sees it first has to yell out "agapanthus" and you keep score to see who sees the most. Problem is, by the time you say it you've often driven passed so no one else can verify LOL

    Happy WW!

  11. I wonder if these are tropical flowers that are not available in the U.S. I've seen many varieties of lilies but not this one. It sure is a pretty flower.

  12. Beautiful. I have such a hard time getting blue flowers to photograph well. Nice job.

  13. that blue just really looks so nice.

  14. I like the blue coloring of the flowers. The third photograph is particular well shot

  15. Did you really grow it yourself in your city garden? I tried planting it but died. I thought it is a semi temperate loving plant. I saw nicely blooming plants like this in Genting under the roller coaster ride. Maybe you shot them there too, hehe! BTW, the last photo is beautiful, even better than those with petals.

  16. Love those pictures, rarely seen a blue one too. Thanks for introducing me as your new follower.

  17. I like this flower! It has got some "wow!" factor!

    And the answer to your question, I would consider a tortoise garden art. Definitely.

  18. I love the lily! It is a gorgeous flower and you did an amazing job on taking the pics.

  19. One of my very favorite lilies! I have lost all the ones that I have planted in my garden. I guess I am not planting them in the right location. I'll keep trying. Yours looks very pretty!!

  20. What a beautiful colour Autumn. and a very pretty flower.

  21. very pretty! an especially nice wordless wednesday post i think. i enjoyed seeing the progression from just open to finished blooming.

  22. Beautiful colors. Love these pictures!

  23. I love your lily photos. Alas, mine never bloomed this year. Sniff! Thank you for sharing yours!

  24. Good Morning!

    Thank you very much for the nice comments. This plant is native to South Africa. The first time I saw this plant was in Genting Highlands where it was planted near pathways and walkways at resorts. I bought this lily in April 2010 from a nursery in Sg Buloh when it was begining to bloom. It flowers lasted for a few weeks and even the leftover stalk was green for a week or so! However, it has not bloomed since.

    All the pictures are from my one and only Agapanthus Lily in my own garden.

    Besides Genting Highlands, I have not seen this plant grown anywhere else.

  25. This Lily is really beautiful! It will really add colour to any garden!

  26. Such a lovely blue colour. Enough to chase the blues away. LOL.

  27. Wow that blue is so electrifying! Gorgeous flowers n beautiful photos too

  28. no needs for words for such beauty... there's a lot of those here too

  29. Wow, your agapanthus is truly breathtaking! I was looking for a beautiful blue flower to add to my garden, this might just be the one!
    Absolutely stunning!

  30. what a great shot. I have this flower in my garden too.

    I can't believe you haven't tried a fresh blueberry - I would love to send you some but that just won't work - no fruit across borders allowed. You'll have to try one someday when you are in a temperate climate. Yum!

  31. That shade of blue is beautiful! I have to add more blues in my garden. Your garden blooms are always lovely!

  32. Its lovely, AB! Its one of my faves in my garden! :)

  33. I love the colour of these beauty!

  34. I too have seen it in Genting, also recently seen with Daylilies in Sabah on highland areas.

    Do these have bulbs like the Amaryllis? Wonder whether they need the "fridge" conditioning?

  35. Hi Autumn Belle, Forgive me for not visiting more often. Your blog is just beautiful. I love the Agapanthus blossoms--true soft blue. Dazzling!!

  36. Hi, I love your garden blog! Your Agapanthus is just gorgeous! Awesome photos. Thank You for stopping by my blog, I appreciate the comment.


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